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Library: The Unauthorized Biography of Dr. Kilrathi


Author: Zamphyr
Date:Nov 2 1995

        Dr. Kilrathi was born over 50 years ago. He has devoted his entire
life to the building of his shrine. Dr. Kilrathi was moved to a mental
institute shortly after his 25th brithday. It was then that the people of
his home town, Winslow, thought of him to be dangerous and shipped him off
to the mental home. But, little did they know that Dr. Kilrathi was an
expert in psychology. Shortly after his psycho analyist he was released as
being complete sane. When he was released he did not return to his home town,
instead he moved to another town. The town accepted him with open arms. As
he grew in the towns people hearts, he also grew in their minds. He had some
how managed to brainwash the entire town with his religious beliefs. This was
not surpising as Dr. Kilrathi was extremely intelligent and extremely wise
as to the human brain. After he had the town under his control and was
elected mayor of that town he then began to build his shrine.
        The cult compound of Dr. Kilrathi was built about 5 years ago. It is 
located in a heavily wooded area. People have been known to of disappears 
from these woods surrounding the compound. Some believe that they are used in 
Dr. Kilrathi's satanic sacrifices, but no one is sure as is no one has come
out of the forest alive. From the last report from the compound, it was
believed that only a few cult members were still left in Dr. Kilrathi's home.
To prevent his cult from growing Dr. Kilrathi and his cult members need to be
killed. He has taken over and destroyed a town, just think what he could do
with a larger army.
