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Library: The wax and wane of Saturn


Author: Blayke
Date:Oct 1 2002

Greetings adventurers, heroes, and ye miscellaneous rogues and ruffians. 
Gather round the campfire hold close thy flagon of ale, for I have a tale to
spin.  This story I call the wax and wane of Saturn.  Long ago, in Ages that
few here are able to recall, the hands of the Gods yet roughly hewed batland. 
At this time, mortals were far more powerful, nearing the status of the Gods
themselves, and as their power grew so too did their arrogance.  Foul
creatures stalked the land, which was ravaged by war and destruction as the
mortals pillaged all.  Now, although I appear young, this is not for my true
age, for I have been reincarnated many times since those days, and have trod
these paths in many guises.  I saw this ancient MUD with my own eyes, and by
Anipa it was an exciting time to roam.  I was then a Barsoomian, and though
these creatures do still exist, they are but a pale shadow of what they were
then.  Truly the barsoomians were the greatest blood letters to ever grace
batland.  With a frost blade in each hand, I demolished my opponents as if
they were made of straw.  But I jump ahead of myself. My tale begins in the
city of Shadowkeep.  I was holed up there in pursuit of riches and battle. 
From a passing merchant I had overheard tales of sewers running beneath
Shadowkeep, wherein great treasures were hid, and dangers lurked.  From the
pub of the flying dragon, I gathered a party of like-minded fellows and off we
tromped.  The entrance to the sewers was quickly located - and the horrors
inside surpassed my wildest imagination.   Gigantic Replops, evil dragons, all
swarmed after us, and we were sorely overwhelmed.  Surrounded by foes, half my
friends slain, I knew that my death had come.  Suddenly a clarion battle call
was heard, and a violent explosion soon followed that tossed the first rank of
monsters right off their feet!  Another party of adventurers had charged to
our rescue!  At their head was a valiant elf surrounded by a shining holy
aura.  Our groups fought, back to back, and soon the floor was littered with
the mangled remains of our enemies.  I can tell you, many an orc was slain
that day!  United, we managed to delve deep into the sewers and uncover a
powerful artifact known as the eye of time. Now the elf that rescued us was
named Saturn, and his friends were members of his clan, known as the
Ravensflyte.  I quickly befriended each member of this noble group, but I
became particularly close with Saturn, whom I considered a true brother in
blood.  Saturn was truly mighty-though not skilled in the ways of fighting, he
was of the highest class of healers, those known as paladins, and was capable
of instantly healing all sorts of wounds and also invoking the most awesome of
protective magic, a spell known at that time as MAPR.  Such skills come in
handy when exploring dungeons, killing monsters, etc.  And so we formed a
close partnership based on both profit, and mutual trust and admiration.  Each
wanted only the best for the other, and our stars rose together.  Many were
the powerful creatures we vanquished together-our finest moment coming when
just the two of us destroyed the terrifying dracolich that lurked beneath
castle Firefox, with only the use of my four blades.  And I could speak of
those great heroes in whose light we stood for short periods of time, and who
were so kind to take us with them on their adventure.  Names that still make
the land quake, such as Swashbuckler, Unforgiven, Tenodera, Haulk, Darkblood,
Yari and Waldon.  Together we also faced down many a player, for instance when
we encountered the feared Latexi at dragonlance, and he attacked us hiding
behind Steelheart.  Steelheart, being our close friend, quickly turned sides
and the evil Latexi was forced to flee, cursing cruel fate and us.   But like
all great heroes, Saturn too, was bound to fall.  Though blessed by fate with
many great attributes, Saturn possessed the one bane of mortals:  arrogance. 
He was too gifted, and intelligent to be humble, and expressed himself with
utter candor to all, and why not?  If someone disagreed with him then they
were generally fools.  Such an attitude, though noble, did not set well with
the Gods.  Now at this time on batmud, the chief of the Gods was a deity known
by all as Q.  Known by all, feared by many, Q could be terrifying and
destructive when aroused in anger.  One day, Q saw the Barsoomian race as
being too great, and one wave of his godlike hand, we were reduced to nothing.
 Devastated I told my friend Saturn what happened.  With instant rage he took
to insulting the gods accusing them of injustice and Q in particular of
wrongdoing.  'Saturn, quiet, let this go my friend, no good can come of
disagreeing with the Gods.'  I said to him.  'That's true, Blayke,' he said
with a seemingly sad smile, 'but what has been done to you is wrong and I will
speak my mind!'  Now Q took notice of this great commotion upon our land, and,
taking offence at something my friend said, instantly destroyed my greatest
friend and ally here with the most ultimate weapon, the permanent RM.  Even my
friends clothing was destroyed as godly rage consumed him before my very eyes.
 All that was left of the man was the memories of better times, carried by his
fellow adventurers, the Ravensflyte.   Now, batmudders, let this memorial of
my friend be a reminder to you: be polite to those above you!  
