Author: Chra
Date:Nov 2 1995
FACTS about Thrikhrens! :)
brought to you by Chra.. Queen of all Thrikhrens!
There are about 1800 species of mantis world wide! The more familiar
species is the Thrikhren.
Though commonly associated with "praying" mantis. Because we
sit motionless with our claws raised witing for some poor fool
to walk into them :). We are voracious hunters, we occasinally
take a nip on eachother. :).
The Thrikhren's very movable head helps it sieze its prey accurately.
Its the only insects that could look over its shoulder.
Its easier to take a nip out of our lover that way :).
Thrikhrens can get used to being handled and can be kept as a pet.
It has a life span of one seasion.
Live fast, Die young, Have fun ;).
A small folk-tale brought to you by chra:
Why a thirkhren has a long neck.
At the beginning of time, Bee, the honeymaker, carried Thrikhren through
the endless night of the new earth. He lay her in a great white flower
floating half-open in the dark waters and set beside her a tiny grain that
would become the first human. When the sun rose for the first time, the
flower opened, and Thrikhren and the first human were born.
Thrikhren were shorter then, like a beetle. And not too wise either.
One day, Mongoose was going to visit the Lions, knowing he'd find something
good to eat there. "I want to go, too," said Thrikhren, "but since I'm so
afraid of the Lions, let me ride inside your bag with just my head sticking
out." When they got to the lion's place, a little Lion came over. Because
he was small, Mantis teased him by shaking her big-eyed head at him.
Little Lion fetched his mother, and now it was Thrikhren's turn to be
scared. She tried to pull her head back in the bag, but it was tied too
tight. She then tried pushing herself out of the bag. She finally
escaped, but when she was squeezing through she streched her neck 'til it
became long and thin. And that is how they still looks today.
-- adapted from the ingenious people of the Kalahari.