Author: Pirotessa
Date:Feb 22 1996
*14 (cont'd)*
Not again.
We'll I just finished dinner, mom is out late working.
Hello Yumeko.
Have you heard from Dad yet?
Daddy sent a letter, I am almost done responding!
He said he will be back in 3 days, and [babble babble babble],
misses us all very much (?)
[reads letter]
I want some coffee.
Grr, strong coffee.
Up late working again?
Her (novel?) is due very soon.
Goodnight Pokota.
Daddy's coming back in 3 days, I don't miss him that much.
But I really wish...
I really wish that...
Hasekura is a boy that Himeko really likes
He is in her drama cult.
I will give him my good luck charm tommorow.
Hasekura is such a nice guy.
And he was spectacular during the last play the drama cult put on.
But I think he doens't like me.
B'cos I'm a tomboy, he would like a more feminine girl.
Eargh... Himeko...
Here's your uniform, I washed it for you.
Sister? If I were a boy, I would really like you.
You are a very nice and feminine and pretty girl.
Err, are you sure your all right, Himeko?
Yes, I'm fine, I was just commenting.
Aiko is really feminine and nice.
He will only like me if I'm like her.
But I'm not letting it get to me!
Right Pokota?
Yah! I will not stop! I will give him this special charm tommorow!
Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! (barely translatable: Go! Go! (?))
[slam slam slam]
She is jumping around again, oh no.
She could be more quiet.
Grr... must finish... more coffee.
Finally I'm here.
[outside background noise]
Ring the doorbell.
Umm... (major hesitation)
I can't do this!
I don't have the courage!
Okay pokota, you will do it for me.
I still can't do this!
Okay I will take a walk.
The air smells so clean.
And it looks very nice around his house.
I wish I could live here.
Okay, [...]
If I breathe in enough, I can breate the same air Hasekura does.
(author note: What the fuck?)