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Library: Translation part 3


Author: Pirotessa
Date:Feb 23 1996

What?  House?
I wonder, what is this house doing here?
Over here.
[sign]Danger do not enter.
Whenever they say that, it really just makes me want to go in more.
[authors note:  good kids should not behave like this]
[rustle rustle rustle]
That's the boy I saw at school today.
[nyan - cat noise]
Hey kid.
What are you doing here?  Didn't you read the 'keep out' sign?
Umm... Umm... Umm...
I am swimming!
You shouldn't be here.
hah hah heh heh err..
We'll you are here, aren't you?
Go away.
And take you little stuffed animal with you, little boy.
I'm not a boy.
You look like one.  You are from my class, aren't you?
Class 1-B?
Umm is something wrong?
Himei! (yell)
I don't look like a boy at all?
How could you mistake me for a boy!
Ahh (uh-oh)
Ouch, my arm.
It's him!  Oh no, he must have seem me kick that boy!
Hi Hasekura!  Hi!  How are you?
You aren't being a tomboy, beating up on boys again, are you?
You should try to be nicer.
How are you!  How are you!
I'm fine Himeko.
Please don't beat up on that boy.
A ha ha ha ha
Oh... (feel bad)
Himeko is not having dinner tonight?
She has been in her room all evening.
That's too bad.
If she doesn't want to eat, I will have her sweet roll.
Hey!  Not the one with the jelly inside!
I want that one!
No that one is mine, you can have this one Yumeko.
I want this one!
I got it first!
This, this is my family?
How come he had to walk in, at that very moment?
Right as I was kicking that boy?
I wish I could be more feminine.
If I could then Hasekura would like me more.
Maybe if I just close my eyes like this,
And then open them again, I will be much better.
See it almost works, uhmm... hey!
Who is...
What is this girl, and why is she sitting in a tree outside my window?
She looks just like me, just like I knew she would.
Hi my name is Erika.  Do you mind if I come inside?
