Author: Lythlandria
Date:Dec 8 1997
adamantium and aluminium = steel
adamantium and brass = steel
adamantium and cesium = bronze
adamantium and diggalite = zhentorium
adamantium and hematite = steel
adamantium and highsteel = zhentorium
adamantium and kryptonite = zhentorium
adamantium and mithril = zhentorium
adamantium and nickel = titanium
adamantium and nullium = zhentorium
adamantium and palladium = highsteel
adamantium and steel = highsteel
adamantium and titanium = highsteel
adamantium and zhentorium = mithril
aluminium and adamantium = steel
aluminium and cobalt = steel
aluminium and indium = brass
aluminium and kryptonite = steel
aluminium and molybdenum = steel
aluminium and mowglite = copper
aluminium and silver = steel
aluminium and steel = brass
aluminium and uranium = brass
aluminum and copper = bronze
brass and adamantium = steel
brass and bronze = steel
brass and cesium = magnesium
brass and cobalt = steel
brass and copper = bronze
brass and diggalite = palladium
brass and electrum = bronze
brass and hematite = bronze
brass and indium = bronze
brass and iridium = indium
brass and iron = indium
brass and lead = steel
brass and mithril = highsteel
brass and molybdenum = aluminium
brass and nickel = rhodium
brass and nullium = palladium
brass and palladium = titanium
brass and rhodium = bronze
brass and titanium = steel
brass and tormium = steel
brass and uranium = indium
brass and zhentorium = steel
bronze and brass = steel
bronze and cesium = magnesium
bronze and cesium = magnesium
bronze and cobalt = steel
bronze and copper = brass
bronze and electrum = silver
bronze and gold = copper
bronze and hematite = brass
bronze and indium = brass
bronze and lead = indium
bronze and magnesium = tin
bronze and mithril = silver
bronze and molybdenum = aluminium
bronze and nickel = rhodium
bronze and pewter = brass
bronze and potassium = cesium
bronze and rhodium = brass
bronze and silver = electrum
bronze and steel = brass
bronze and tadmium = steel
bronze and tin = hematite
bronze and titanium = steel
bronze and tormium = steel
bronze and uranium = brass
bronze and zhentorium = highsteel
cesium and adamantium = bronze
cesium and brass = magnesium
cesium and bronze = magnesium
cesium and cobalt = bronze
cesium and gold = copper
cesium and hematite = magnesium
cesium and highsteel = bronze
cesium and iron = tin
cesium and lead = quicksilver
cesium and magnesium = quicksilver
cesium and nickel = bronze
cesium and potassium = magnesium
cesium and potassium = magnesium
cesium and quicksilver = magnesium
cesium and rhodium = hematite
cesium and tin = magnesium
cesium and zhentorium = bronze
chromium and cobalt = molybdenum
chromium and copper = palladium
chromium and iron = titanium
chromium and molybdenum = titanium
chromium and mowglite = copper
chromium and mowglite = copper
chromium and nickel = rhodium
chromium and palladium = platinum
chromium and platinum = palladium
chromium and rhodium = palladium
chromium and silver = palladium
chromium and titanium = palladium
cobalt and aluminium = steel
cobalt and brass = steel
cobalt and bronze = steel
cobalt and cesium = bronze
cobalt and chromium = molybdenum
cobalt and durandium = rhodium
cobalt and electrum = rhodium
cobalt and indium = aluminium
cobalt and lead = bronze
cobalt and mithril = titanium
cobalt and nickel = molybdenum
cobalt and nullium = rhodium
cobalt and rhodium = nickel
cobalt and silver = rhodium
cobalt and steel = titanium
copper and aluminum = bronze
copper and brass = bronze
copper and bronze = brass
copper and chromium = palladium
copper and diggalite = palladium
copper and durandium = silver
copper and electrum = gold
copper and gold = electrum
copper and indium = hematite
copper and kryptonite = palladium
copper and lead = zinc
copper and molybdenum = aluminium
copper and mowgles = zinc
copper and mowglite =zinc
copper and nickel = rhodium
copper and nullium = palladium
copper and palladium = electrum
copper and silver = electrum
copper and steel = bronze
copper and titanium = silver
copper and zhentorium = silver
copper and zinc = tin
diggalite and adamantium = zhentorium
diggalite and brass = palladium
diggalite and copper = palladium
diggalite and hematite = palladium
diggalite and highsteel = zhentorium
diggalite and indium = palladium
diggalite and iridium = palladium
diggalite and iron = palladium
diggalite and mithril = zhentorium
diggalite and molybdenum = titanium
diggalite and nickel = palladium
diggalite and nullium = dukonium
diggalite and osmium = palladium
diggalite and palladium = platinum
diggalite and platinum = palladium
diggalite and titanium = palladium
diggalite and zhentorium = mithril
duraluminium and highsteel = steel
duraluminium and molybdenum = titanium
duraluminium and titanium = steel
durandium and cobalt = rhodium
durandium and copper = silver
durandium and electrum = silver
durandium and nickel = rhodium
durandium and palladium = silver
durandium and platinum = silver
durandium and silver = highsteel
durandium and steel = silver
electrum and brass = bronze
electrum and bronze = silver
electrum and cobalt = rhodium
electrum and copper = gold
electrum and durandium = silver
electrum and gold = silver
electrum and kryptonite = zhentorium
electrum and lead = gold
electrum and palladium = platinum
electrum and platinum =silver
electrum and titanium = silver
electrum and uranium = palladium
gold and bronze = copper
gold and cesium = copper
gold and copper = electrum
gold and electrum = silver
gold and highsteel = silver
gold and lead = copper
gold and mowgles = copper
gold and nickel = palladium
gold and palladium = electrum
gold and rhodium = silver
gold and silver = electrum
gold and uranium = palladium
graphite and mowglite = mowgles
hematite and adamantium = steel
hematite and brass = bronze
hematite and bronze = brass
hematite and cesium = magnesium
hematite and diggalite = palladium
hematite and highsteel = steel
hematite and indium = brass
hematite and iridium = indium
hematite and iron = brass
hematite and molybdenum = aluminium
hematite and nullium = rhodium
hematite and palladium = brass
hematite and platinum = palladium
hematite and potassium = pewter
hematite and rhodium = brass
hematite and steel = brass
hematite and titanium = brass
hematite and tormium = steel
hematite and tungsten = indium
hematite and uranium = indium
hematite and zhentorium = palladium
highsteel and adamantium = zhentorium
highsteel and cesium = bronze
highsteel and diggalite = zhentorium
highsteel and duraluminium = steel
highsteel and gold = silver
highsteel and hematite = steel
highsteel and kryptonite = zhentorium
highsteel and molybdenum = titanium
highsteel and nullium = zhentorium
highsteel and palladium = platinum
highsteel and silver = platinium
highsteel and steel = duraluminium
highsteel and uranium = steel
highsteel and zhentorium = adamantium
indium and aluminium = brass
indium and brass = bronze
indium and bronze = brass
indium and cobalt = aluminium
indium and copper = hematite
indium and diggalite = palladium
indium and hematite = brass
indium and iridium = osmium
indium and iron = brass
indium and mithril = highsteel
indium and molybdenum = aluminium
indium and nickel = rhodium
indium and osmium = iridium
indium and potassium = tin
indium and silver = iridium
indium and steel = brass
indium and titanium = steel
indium and tungsten = hematite
indium and uranium = iron
indium and zhentorium = highsteel
iridium and brass = indium
iridium and diggalite = palladium
iridium and hematite = indium
iridium and indium = osmium
iridium and osmium = indium
iridium and palladium = osmium
iridium and silver = osmium
iridium and titanium = osmium
iron and cesium = tin
iron and cesium = tin
iron and chromium = titanium
iron and diggalite = palladium
iron and hematite = brass
iron and indium = brass
iron and magnesium = tin
iron and mithril = highsteel
iron and palladium = indium
iron and rhodium = indium
iron and silver = brass
iron and steel = brass
iron and tin = brass
iron and uranium = indium
kryptonite and adamantium = zhentorium
kryptonite and aluminium = steel
kryptonite and copper = palladium
kryptonite and electrum = zhentorium
kryptonite and highsteel = zhentorium
kryptonite and palladium = zhentorium
kryptonite and silver = highsteel
kryptonite and steel = highsteel
kryptonite and zhentorium = adamantium
lead and brass = steel
lead and bronze = indium
lead and cesium = quicksilver
lead and cobalt = bronze
lead and copper = zinc
lead and electrum = gold
lead and gold = copper
lead and magnesium = cesium
lead and potassium = cesium
lead and rhodium = hematite
lead and silver = electrum
lead and steel = bronze
lead and titanium = bronze
lead and tormium = bronze
lead and zinc = copper
magnesium and bronze = tin
magnesium and cesium = quicksilver
magnesium and iron = tin
magnesium and lead = cesium
magnesium and mithril = indium
magnesium and potassium = cesium
magnesium and quicksilver = cesium
magnesium and silver = bronze
magnesium and steel = bronze
magnesium and zhentorium = indium
mithril and adamantium = zhentorium
mithril and brass = highsteel
mithril and bronze = silver
mithril and cobalt = titanium
mithril and diggalite = zhentorium
mithril and highsteel = zhentorium
mithril and indium = highsteel
mithril and iron = highsteel
mithril and magnesium = indium
mithril and osmium = silver
mithril and potassium = osmium
mithril and rhodium = silver
mithril and silver = highsteel
mithril and steel = highsteel
mithril and titanium = highsteel
mithril and zhentorium = adamantium
molybdenum and aluminium = steel
molybdenum and brass = aluminium
molybdenum and bronze = aluminium
molybdenum and chromium = titanium
molybdenum and copper = aluminium
molybdenum and diggalite = titanium
molybdenum and duraluminium = titanium
molybdenum and hematite = aluminium
molybdenum and highsteel = titanium
molybdenum and indium = aluminium
molybdenum and mowglite = silicon
molybdenum and nickel = cobalt
molybdenum and platinum = titanium
molybdenum and steel = titanium
molybdenum and tadmium = steel
molybdenum and titanium = duraluminium
molybdenum and uranium = steel
molybdenum and zhentorium = titanium
mowgles and copper = zinc
mowgles and gold = copper
mowgles and mowglite = graphite
mowgles and palladium = copper
mowglite and aluminium = copper
mowglite and chromium = copper
mowglite and chromium = copper
mowglite and copper = zinc
mowglite and graphite = mowgles
mowglite and molybdenum = silicon
mowglite and mowgles = graphite
mowglite and nickel = copper
mowglite and palladium = copper
mowglite and silicon =mowgles
mowglite and tin = zinc
mowglite and zinc = mowgles
nickel and adamantium = titanium
nickel and brass = rhodium
nickel and bronze = rhodium
nickel and cesium = bronze
nickel and chromium = rhodium
nickel and cobalt = molybdenum
nickel and copper = rhodium
nickel and diggalite = palladium
nickel and durandium = rhodium
nickel and gold = palladium
nickel and indium = rhodium
nickel and molybdenum = cobalt
nickel and mowglite = copper
nickel and palladium = rhodium
nickel and rhodium = molybdenum
nickel and silver = rhodium
nullium and adamantium = zhentorium
nullium and brass = palladium
nullium and cobalt = rhodium
nullium and copper = palladium
nullium and diggalite = dukonium
nullium and hematite = rhodium
nullium and highsteel = zhentorium
nullium and palladium = platinum
nullium and platinum = palladium
nullium and silver = platinum
nullium and steel = platinum
nullium and titanium = platinum
nullium and zhentorium = diggalite
osmium and diggalite = palladium
osmium and indium = iridium
osmium and iridium = indium
osmium and iridium = indium
osmium and mithril = silver
osmium and palladium = iridium
osmium and silver = iridium
osmium and uranium = indium
palladium and adamantium = highsteel
palladium and brass = titanium
palladium and chromium = platinum
palladium and copper = electrum
palladium and diggalite = platinum
palladium and durandium = silver
palladium and electrum = platinum
palladium and gold = electrum
palladium and hematite = brass
palladium and highsteel = platinum
palladium and iridium = osmium
palladium and iron = indium
palladium and kryptonite = zhentorium
palladium and mowgles = copper
palladium and mowglite = copper
palladium and nickel = rhodium
palladium and nullium = platinum
palladium and osmium = iridium
palladium and platinum = electrum
palladium and rhodium = silver
palladium and silver = platinum
palladium and steel = titanium
palladium and titanium = steel
palladium and zhentorium = platinum
palladium and zinc = copper
pewter and bronze = brass
pewter and potassium = magnesium
platinium and silver = electrum
platinum and chromium = palladium
platinum and diggalite = palladium
platinum and durandium = silver
platinum and electrum = silver
platinum and hematite = palladium
platinum and molybdenum = titanium
platinum and nullium = palladium
platinum and palladium = electrum
platinum and steel = palladium
platinum and uranium = palladium
platinum and zhentorium = highsteel
potassium and bronze = cesium
potassium and cesium = magnesium
potassium and cesium = magnesium
potassium and hematite = pewter
potassium and indium = tin
potassium and lead = cesium
potassium and magnesium = cesium
potassium and mithril = osmium
potassium and pewter = magnesium
potassium and quicksilver = cesium
potassium and steel = indium
potassium and tin = magnesium
quicksilver and cesium = magnesium
quicksilver and magnesium = cesium
quicksilver and potassium = cesium
quicksilver and silver = lead
rhodium and brass = bronze
rhodium and bronze = brass
rhodium and cesium = hematite
rhodium and chromium = palladium
rhodium and cobalt = nickel
rhodium and gold = silver
rhodium and hematite = brass
rhodium and iron = indium
rhodium and lead = hematite
rhodium and mithril = silver
rhodium and nickel = molybdenum
rhodium and palladium = silver
rhodium and silver = palladium
rhodium and steel = titanium
rhodium and titanium = steel
rhodium and tormium = silver
rhodium and tungsten = hematite
rhodium and uranium = indium
silicon and mowglite = mowgles
silver and aluminium = steel
silver and bronze = electrum
silver and chromium = palladium
silver and cobalt = rhodium
silver and copper = electrum
silver and durandium = highsteel
silver and gold = electrum
silver and highsteel = platinium
silver and indium = iridium
silver and iridium = osmium
silver and iron = brass
silver and kryptonite = highsteel
silver and lead = electrum
silver and magnesium = bronze
silver and mithril = highsteel
silver and nickel = rhodium
silver and nullium = platinum
silver and osmium = iridium
silver and palladium = platinum
silver and platinum = electrum
silver and quicksilver = lead
silver and rhodium = palladium
silver and steel =titanium
silver and titanium = steel
silver and tormium = platinum
steel and adamantium = highsteel
steel and aluminium = brass
steel and brass = bronze
steel and bronze = brass
steel and cobalt = titanium
steel and copper = bronze
steel and durandium = silver
steel and hematite = brass
steel and highsteel = duraluminium
steel and indium = brass
steel and iron = brass
steel and kryptonite = highsteel
steel and lead = bronze
steel and magnesium = bronze
steel and mithril = highsteel
steel and molybdenum = titanium
steel and nullium = platinium
steel and palladium = titanium
steel and platinum = palladium
steel and potassium = indium
steel and rhodium = titanium
steel and silver = titanium
steel and tadmium = bronze
steel and titanium = duraluminium
steel and tormium = highsteel
steel and tungsten = rhodium
steel and uranium = brass
steel and zhentorium = highsteel
tadmium and bronze = steel
tadmium and molybdenum = steel
tadmium and steel = bronze
tadmium and tormium = steel
tin and bronze = hematite
tin and cesium = magnesium
tin and iron = brass
tin and mowglite = zinc
tin and potassium = magnesium
titanium and adamantium = highsteel
titanium and brass = steel
titanium and bronze = steel
titanium and chromium = palladium
titanium and copper = silver
titanium and diggalite = palladium
titanium and duraluminium = steel
titanium and electrum = silver
titanium and hematite = brass
titanium and indium = steel
titanium and iridium = osmium
titanium and lead = bronze
titanium and mithril = highsteel
titanium and molybdenum = duraluminium
titanium and nullium = platinum
titanium and palladium = steel
titanium and rhodium = steel
titanium and silver = steel
titanium and steel = duraluminium
titanium and uranium = steel
tormium and brass = steel
tormium and bronze = steel
tormium and hematite = steel
tormium and lead = bronze
tormium and rhodium = silver
tormium and silver = platinum
tormium and steel = highsteel
tungsten and hematite = indium
tungsten and indium = hematite
tungsten and rhodium = hematite
tungsten and steel = rhodium
uranium and aluminium = brass
uranium and brass = indium
uranium and bronze = brass
uranium and electrum = palladium
uranium and gold = palladium
uranium and hematite = indium
uranium and highsteel = steel
uranium and indium = iron
uranium and iron = indium
uranium and molybdenum = steel
uranium and osmium = indium
uranium and platinum = palladium
uranium and rhodium = indium
uranium and steel = brass
uranium and titanium = steel
uranium and zhentorium = highsteel
zhentorium and adamantium = mithril
zhentorium and brass = steel
zhentorium and bronze = highsteel
zhentorium and cesium = bronze
zhentorium and copper = silver
zhentorium and diggalite = mithril
zhentorium and hematite = palladium
zhentorium and highsteel = adamantium
zhentorium and indium = highsteel
zhentorium and kryptonite = adamantium
zhentorium and magnesium = indium
zhentorium and mithril = adamantium
zhentorium and molybdenum = titanium
zhentorium and nullium = diggalite
zhentorium and palladium = platinum
zhentorium and platinum = highsteel
zhentorium and steel = highsteel
zhentorium and uranium = highsteel
zinc and copper = tin
zinc and lead = copper
zinc and mowglite = mowgles
zinc and palladium = copper