Author: Shazen
Date:Apr 13 1998
Juxte starts concentrating on a new spell. Juxte claps his hands and whispers
'judicandus ignius' hp: 411 (411) sp: 433 (790) ep: 230 (230) Nobody to show.
Nobody to show. Jarlaxle [sales]: slavecollar +con mb 10k Last messages from
bat channel: [02:21]:Shazen [bat]: heavy metal.... doh what a name :)
[02:22]:Shazen [bat]: gotta whine whine [02:22]:Dwilgar [bat]: yeah, better
steel [02:22]:Tixe <bat>: what happened? [02:22]:Dwilgar [bat]: just all these
headbopping newbies are ass wipers then i [02:22]:Shazen [bat]: i dont wipe
anyones ass... not even my own [02:22]:Asthar {bat}: heavy won exp lottery but
we fumbled summon...we tried sa rechie killed him =( [02:22]:Asthar {bat}:
damn its sad =( [02:22]:Dwilgar [bat]: nice spin on it you got there
[02:23]:Tixe <bat>: fuck it heavy is a cokcsucker anyway [02:23]:Continuity
[bat]: he was all mean and said he hated me and stuff for th [02:23]:Asthar
{bat}: he killed the barbarian a few days ago too [02:23]:[bat]: Shazen
laughing aloud.... damn mommy is gonna wake up and spank [02:23]:Tixe <bat>:
fuck him [02:23]:Tixe <bat>: kill him more next time he gets on [02:24]:Shazen
[bat]: it would rock to kill him and then same dude to offer rai [02:25]:Tixe
<bat>: damn blayke you got some rocking eq [02:26]:Tixe <bat>: what does
heavy's plan say? [02:26]:Shazen [bat]: satan, now came death :) [02:26]:Tixe
<bat>: heheheh .... there is more