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Library: Why leading a party is such a bitchin' job?


Author: Qurp
Date:Aug 18 1997

I always lead my parties,no matter eq or exp.As party leader one learns most
about the mud but if something goes wrong it's usually leaders fault,noone
says it aloud on party channel but thats what they think.If you want to lead a
succesful eq party choose your partymembers carefully,if you take people that
really don't know what they're doing you're in deep shit as leader. Ok,how do
you lead succesfully then?Keep in mind that most people dont do shit if you
dont tell them what to do so keep talking and giving instructions.Learn about
your opponents,you can only succeed in doing rocking eq if you know exactly
how to lead and what to do at this particular monster.When going to new
monster you've never been to don't take eq's with you or they might end up
dested. Pressure.Partyleader gets lots of it,just gotta cope with it.Your
partymembers usually pressure you shitloads,you need good nerves as
partyleader when doing eq.If everything goes fine they dont even thank you but
if you fail to lead succesfully you can be sure to hear some major shit about
it. Why do some people want to lead then?Because they're most experienced
people in the party and without them whole party wouldn't work.Bitching job
but someone has to do it,some people could learn to appreciate party leaders
bit more.
