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Library: The PimpDaddy


Author: cozmo
Date:May 14 2003

This is the story of the great PimpDaddy known as Lorus Loverboy the human.
Ever since Lorus was born his mother knew that he was a different boy, very
different than any other boy or man she knew. As if Lorus would truly
understand women and their feelings, even as a child. Lorus was so cute and he
had so beautiful eyes that every woman who saw him fell in love right there,
on that spot. And that made other men very jealous because they also knew that
Lorus was something they weren't. As the years went by Lorus grow and become
even more handsome, as a matter of fact he was so gorgeous that his mother
thought that it had to be a mistake because both she and her men were so ugly
that when they were both childs their parents had to tie a piece of meat
around their necks just so that the dogs would play with them! Well anyway
years went by and Lorus was 20 and had so many ladies that he didn.t even
remember how many he had, he had forgot the number by the age of 13, the magic
number of any boy. And because of that Lorus had only few friends who knew
him. One day Lorus was walking along the road he suddenly notices a young
fellow who was crying his eyes out. Lorus went to him and asked what was
happened to that sorry little man. The man said that he is a virgin and he was
in love but because he didn.t understand women he was so lost and he had made
a fool of himself in front of that special girl. Just because Lorus knew he
had that special talent, he suddenly realized that it was his duty in this
world: he would have to help other fellows to score!!!! He asked where that
girl was and went straight to there. When the girl saw Lorus the things
started to roll: he went back to that sorry little fellow and explained the
few facts of life. The girl was poor and needed cash but the man was too dumb
for her to marry him so if man, let.s call him Cozmo would pay Lorus 1000 gold
then he could be with that girl for one evening. The rest would be up to him.
Cozmo thought for awhile and came to that conclusion that it was the only way
he could ever get that girl, even for a evening. So he paid Lorus 100
0 gold and then Lorus went to girl and gave him 200 gold. The girl was so
happy that she promised to meet Cozmo for this evening and see what would
happen. Because this is a story for children I can.t tell everything that
happened with Cozmo and this girl but this I can tell you: Cozmo paid extra
500 gold to Lorus and Lorus told his few tricks how to score and that really
did. That girl fell in love with Cozmo and they both vere so happy!
And just because they were so happy they told about Lorus all the people who
were lonely and didn.t get anyone. Next morning when Lorus woke up and went to
the store to get some Ruuti-beer there it was: 30 men waiting for Lorus and
they all needed help! Lorus had to think for a moment. First he had to figure
out the name for his service and then how to serve properly. Then he got it!
It will be pimping! And he will give everyone a queue number so he could help
everybody who needed his help. And then the things really started to ROLL! It
seemed that everyone who scored with help of Lorus they all knew people who
were less fortuned and needed help. The following year the population of the
Earth increased 15% just because Lorus knew what was his purpose in life and
also did it with a respect. + Lorus had to start teach people to be a pimp
because there were so many people who needed help and so few time. And that is
how it all started. And when time finally passed on Lorus, his final words
was: Pimpin ain.t easy!
The end.
