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Library: Battle of Honour


Author: caruth
Date:Jun 2 2003

Once upon a time there was a Great Sorcerer named Hannah. He was excellent
spellcaster and everyone found him to have decent manners when using the
knowledge of spellcasting. But all in the realm of Grel was not that great,
bulgy and bad mannered Barbarian named Caruth came often to visit the town of
Zircus. Everytime he entered the town he spreaded the fear amongst citizens.
His diamond edged sword and rough manners was a certain consern amongst town
people. Even the town mayor who had lived in the town for a very long time
didn't quite enjoy the barbarian visists from nearby barbarian camp. He had
his own views about them, they should stop visiting town and they should
confine themselves in the camp site. There they could do what ever they
please. But back to the magician who never feared Caruth. Only thing he knew
about him was other peoples gossips about the fearless and cruesome barbarian.
Though time for these two to meet was in hand. And the place for such
happening was near local bar. In front of the bar actually. Caruth came down
the street with no fear in his eyes, only rage tattered his eyes. Came to a
little baby and grinned so evily to the baby that she instantly started to
cry. Sorcerer was at the same time coming to a meeting in the bar, he rarely
came to the bar other than to meet people that needed some help of his.
Usually other adventurers. Now he went to meet a bard who thinked of colleting
some party to raid nasty troll area, easy experience was involved and they
could also do some equipment. That's why the sorcerer was interested he needed
cash for druids reincarnation spell, and another quild costs. When Hannah saw
how rudely the Caruth treaded that baby, he instantly rose and and spoke. 'Who
do you think you are doing such nasty thing to only a baby'. Caruth replied.
'I'm Caruth I fear noone, noone can beat me, I'm the mightiest barbarian
alive!'. Hannah just bleahed to Caruth, glanzed deeply into his eyes and
phrased 'Noone is that mighty that cannot be beaten by anyone, beware of my
magi c, I have greatest lores of all Batmud'. Caruth just glazed Hannah and
said 'Magic, magic is useless a cold steel beats all magic there ever could
be, my sword is unbeatable'. Hannah said ' I have a meeting now, but do you
really think your plain axe could beat my magic'. Caruth replied 'Sure thing
puny  Sorcerer, any time i'll show of my battle prowess'. Hannah said 'Ok
battle at the hills north from here in noon, just don't even try to bring you
buddies to a battle, one on one'. Hannah left inside the bar and Caruth
followed him. In the bar hannah sat down to a table near the window. Caruth
went to table next to him. After listening a while about the things Hannah and
bard was talking about Caruth decided to stand up and approached them with a
glare. Caruth said 'Hey if you need battle hardened warrior to accompany you
in your battles i'll be ready to kick some ass'. Bard sitting in the table
just replied 'Sorry Man, but we already have our tanks ready, and you have not
enough defense skills to accompany us'. Caruth raged and left the bar
instanly, he was not pleased that a warrior like himself was not accepted into
a battle. And was just ignored when he offered to join. Caruth went back to
barbarian camp for some enjoyment, atleast there he could battle amongst other
barbarians and get ready for a battle against Hannah. At noon when the battle
was about to begin, Caruth waited on the hills for Hannah. Walked anxiously
back and forth in the hills, looking every direction from where hannah could
arrive. Suddenly something materialized in front of him. He could barely see
what it was, but in sometime figures of Hannah presented in front of him.
Caruth said ' Ou this is the way you travel through the world, amazing no
walking needed, though i enjoy my daily walk through the nature'. Hannah
replied 'Prepare for your daily beating'. Instanly Hannah started on casting
protection spells that made him almost invoulnerable and difficult to hit.
Caruth started enraging himself as a true barbarian would. Caruth letted out 
a mighty roar as he was almost Groo himself. After the preparations caruth
engaged a great battle like a raging bull. Forward with his sword in front, he
approached Hannah with great speed, but sadly all he could do at this time was
miss, miss and miss. Hannah prepared to cast a lava blast at Caruth but was
interrupted once by a mighty blow. Second time a Great blast of Lava hitted
Caruth and knocked him down. Caruth shaked his head clear, and Hannah stared
just to look as that was enough. No, the stupid barbarian came with rage back
against his almost invisible enemy. Brave he was, and also stupid to think he
could even be able to knock down such a prowent advisory. Hannah blasted again
and zapped next blast with his wand. Caruth was almost dying when he finally
stayed off. Caruth just replied 'This fight was not fair, how can i even hit a
target that i can't barely see. But I must admit that magic is strange yet
powerfull and usefull aid in the battle'. Caruth layed on the ground breathing
heavily, as he had swong his sword so many times as fast as he barely could.
Strain on his muscles was great, and they started to ache a bit. Hannah
started another spell and summoned a friendly healer. Healer casted Caruth
with few regeneration spells and healed him to full. Caruth was pleased that
he didn't have to start camping he was even too tired to do that. Hannah said
'Now do you see, bad manors come back to you, behave as people should behave
to you, let this be an example to you from now on'. Caruth stood up and
replied 'Fine, I will start to behave more rationally, but still I'm a great
fighter without doubt'. Caruth left hiking through the hills back to his camp
to tell about humiliating loss to a sorcerer. Caruth wasn't too puny not to
admit when he has lost and when not. This was just another lesson he had to
learn by the hard way. The End.
