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Library: Failure of the drows


Author: turmio
Date:Aug 11 2004

No light. I have never seen sunlight. But does it matter if I can't even
tolerate it. I have heard how it burns your skin and eyes. Since my kingdom
crushed and those Demons took my powers I have been thinking about going to
the surface. It's better than travel here in eternal darkness without any
destinations, without purpose. I haven't even seen monsters in seven days.
Yesterday I found a dead bonedigger and got meal from it. It tasted like shit
I can't stop. The demons have been haunting me since I escaped. I have heard
that there should be a way to the surface in north, but the City of Blades is
on the way. Nowadays there isn't any drows left only demons and their slaves.
My brother, Harg, was the ruler there. However he's dead now like all my
Those spider demons gave us magnificent powers. We felt like gods. But then
they just stopped to obey us. They had been faking and we believed that they
were under control. How could we be so blind? We didn't notice anything. The
fight was hopeless. The demons crushed us like a fly. They slaughtered all the
children too. Damn I hope I could revenge somehow, but what can I do alone.
Nothing, just run.
One drow has gone on the surface. His name is Drizzt Do'Urden. Not much has
been heard about him, but still he's alive. When I get to the surface I could
start from the beginning, forget all this. I must try I'll go through the city
no matter what happens. I'll kill hundred demons if I have to. Now I'll give a
lesson to my hunters.
I drew my weapons and just stood there, waiting. It took twelve hours until
they came. There were four demons. They looked confused when they saw me. "So
you are the escaped prisoner? Why don't you run like all the others? You are
going kill us?" one of the demons mocked. I didn't listen to them anymore. I
jumped towards and slashed the first demon's arm off with my sabre. He died.
The others got furious and tried to hit me with their claws. I threw my
another sabre at the second demon. It hit his head and he felt down lifeless.
The two other demons casted flame arrows. Ugh! One hit me to my leg. It burned
badly. I didn't give up. I took the sabre out of the dead demon and ran to the
demons. I was quicker and they couldn't hit me. I cut several wounds with my
blades and they screamed in pain. Then I chopped their heads off. I had killed
four demons.
After six days I arrived to the City of Blades. I couldn't believe it. All the
building and temples had been destroyed. It was dead quiet. I didn't even see
any demons. I walked in the city. There were many dead demons and drows. I saw
how the corpses were torn apart. Drows couldn't do that to the demons. So
something else must have killed them. Maybe bonediggers? No, they travel
alone. At least it has been big... and then I saw it! Holy shit! It was HUGE.
An enormous spider stood at the front of me. The legend had came true.  The
legend says that Lloth would wake and come to clean the underground world if
its servants failed. So all the drow cities have been conquered by demons.
Lloth didn't seem to be happy when he saw me. I was the leader of the cult so
I have talked to Lloth before. But I had never seen it. "Seems like I made a
wrong decision when I choose drows to be my servants  even a god can make
mistakes. Well now I'll clean to underground world and make sure that no one
will come here anymore. You can go away to the surface and leave me. You were
a good servant and the most powerful drow I have seen. There are other drow
civilisations somewhere. But I don't know about them, because they don't serve
me. Go and seek them and maybe the drow kingdom will rise again." Lloth said
to me and I nodded. Even Lloth didn't know about the demons plan. Maybe Satan
himself was behind it. Well I must continue my journey and head to north.  
The first time in my life I felt wind. I must be close to the hole on the
surface. I heard someone talking. It sounded like a human. We had some humans
as slaves but they didn't see anything in the caverns so we freed them. Maybe
there are some guards at the entrance so no-one would come here. I tried to
stay in the shadows but the guards noticed me. "Halt! Who's there?!" they
shouted. "I'm Maldar the drow matriarch", I replied. "Drow?! What are you
doing here?! Kill her!" guard shouted. There were about five guards all
heavily armed and well trained. However it wasn't so hard for me. I easily
parried and dodged all their slashes and punches. I didn't hit them myself. I
didn't want to kill any humans when I was going into their world. "Stop!",
someone shouted from the entrance. "What's happening here?" the man asked. "My
lord, here's a drow matriarch and his trying to get on the surface",  one of
the guards said. "Why would a drow want to come on the surface? " , man asked.
I moved closer and said: "Why I'm here isn't important but what I'm going to
do here is. I'm looking for a drow named Drizzt Do'Urden. Have you ever heard
about him?" The man looked surprised. "Yes, I have heard about him and I would
like to meet him too. But I don't have an idea where he is. Maybe you should
head to east" , the man said. "Guards! Let her go. One drow won't do any harm
to us. And promise me woman that you won't attack or steal from my citizens.
Otherwise I'll chop your head off myself" the man said. I bowed to him and
walked away.
When the sun rose it really did hurt, but I didn't care. I need to find
Drizzt. Maybe he'll tell me something about the other drow civilisations,
maybe not...
The first weeks I tried to get used to the sun and wind. Rains were new for me
too. I hunted animals with my magic. However I have been trying to forget all
the magic which we used for the demons. After a month I started to travel. I
travelled at nights so the sun wouldn't  burn me. In the first night I met
some trolls. I knew trolls were bloodthirsty beings, but I didn't know how
strong they were. The trolls attacked me directly when they saw me. I tried to
fight against them but there were too many. The trolls decided to have some
fun and chained me in a tree. They threw me with rocks and mocked. When I was
fainting because of the pain I heard someone shouting: "CHARGE!"  A group of
horsemen came. They attacked the trolls and killed immediately about ten of
them. The trolls got really angry and some men died too. I managed to get out
of tree with some spells. I ran to the nearest hill and watched how the fight
ends. I didn't even understand first how many trolls there were.  The battle
lasted for hours but finally the trolls lost. I overcame the first challenge
but I know there will  be a lot more before I find Drizzt or the other
