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Library: Why There are Violets in Meadows


Author: merja
Date:Jun 15 2003

Zeus, king of the gods, passed by a meadow one day and there he saw a lovely
girl, Io. He fell in love with her instantly. He wanted only to spend his idle
hours with Io, lazing about in the grass.
But Hera, the wife of Zeus, became jealous. She did not like to see him
admiring Io so much.
Then Zeus used his great power and changed Io into a young heifer, hoping that
Hera would not notice her. But when Zeus saw Io grazing on the grass of the
field, he decided that it was too coarse and common a food for one so lovely.
So he caused a new flower to grow and cover the field. It was delicate in size
and subtle in scent, and its color was a royal purple, indicating it was fit
for the gods.
And ever since then those flowers, the violets, can be found in meadows.
