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Library: Progressive Audio Displacement Propagation


Author: merja
Date:Aug 22 2003

Imagine a world where movement is mechanical, and yet it never ceases. Think
for a moment, to the image Frank L. Baum creates with the tinmen, and then
imagine a tin man on roller skates. Now a whole race. Some being graceful and
thin, and some being rather clumsy and fat. That would be an awful sound would
it not?
The Next sound that you shall hear, is the beating of drums. Real leather hide
stretched taught over the wooden barrels and gourds, to create rattles and
throbbing beats. The Indian bongo-like drums, and oh how many rythyms could
begin here. Not only rythyms, but variance, between the different waves
emitted from thrumming the drums.  When you think of drums you don't know what
to think. When you feel the drums stroll by in the parades and in the
nightclubs, then you know what a drum is. It is the whoosh of air, it is the
moment which you make a connection with the earth, and the other where you are
expelled to jump, to move, to be repelled with equal energy, or more,
depending on how tight the drum has been tied, and how dry the drum skin is.
And how strong your muscles are that you used to stomp down upon the earth.
Rebound. You feel the vibrations of the drum from afar.
Some other thoughts. Where does the bass of nature come from? We have thunder,
white noise of the ocean waves, the wind, volcanic eruptions and explosions,
the cracking of a tree then the whining squeal as it topples, holding a shell
to your ear, the wind at high speeds....
Analogue life, the fire crackling, the tinkle of glass or wind chimes, the
metal, or hollow gourds and wooden pipes strung in the wind. Creaking bows in
a heavy gale, seagulls, the wind blowing all those tiny hairs leading into
your ears. Rustling leaves. Awful cacaphony of a catfight. The haunting songs
of geese. The flapping wings of a raptor on your extended arm.
Mehanical Analogue. The most life like mechanisms. Often irregular patterns
and therefore sounds as well. Experimental, uncontrolled, mallable, and more
challenging to capture?
