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Library: Ambrosia of the Hummingbird


Author: merja
Date:Jun 18 2003

accept what is offered: nothing.
an open palm extended
within which lies a jewel.
its beauty renowned far and wide
a weight which none could bear,
save the tears she shed in sadness.
spare your love that heavy hand
worse than any mistruth
a common man could answer.
and do return that jaded sigh
because to her eyes blinded,
misleading hope is such sorrow
and a kindness done best without.
dying down into floral fire,
a whisper on the air flirts by
no human ears will see her tears
shodden offering fallen like leaves
the force of life she gave away.
the child she had is growing wise
and still it wonders of the woman
whose figure he transformed at bay,
into mortal flesh to their dismay.
and into a tear, drops misted dew
he let it fall and pieces shed,
he catches on in his hand at last,
extending it back to sodden eyes;
in his open palm: nothing.
