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Library: Baptism in Steel


Author: Rutaliator
Date:Sep 28 2002

Once, a long long time ago, these events took place. I was much younger at
that time, and less tired to the ways of world.  Those days, as I recall, seem
so far away and distant to me now... As I feel my time to leave this world has
come close, I must write down my experiences to guide ones who will follow me.
For it is important why these events took place and creatures who were
involved were part of it. So, once upon a time... The green fields seemed to
continue endlessly under the blue skies. Sun shone in bright May day, birds
sung and fluffy warm sheeps hoppled in the green fields with no worries at
all. In the distance, far far away some kind of creature closed the fields...
One could not yet quite make out what race this particular fellow presented,
but it seemed not have any hurry anywhere. At closer look, it started to seem
that our chap was quite happy. It could even be said that he was humming
something... some kind of happy tune, perhaps? And behold, singing he was!
When he came closer one could see that he was jumping a bit while he sang, and
some small birds seemed to follow him, maybe to listen his tunes. This fellow,
he was not a big guy, if we can use the word guy in this context. He was about
4 feet tall, and had curly brown hair, friendly looking face and very bright
blue eyes. What drew easily attraction was his feet, they were unnaturally big
and hairy too. Anyone who has seen such creatures before notices immediately
that we are talking about hobbit here. And what comes to his singing, only one
guild in these realms is known from such skillful taletelling and ability
perform all kinds of music. The Bards. This one was truly one of them lesser
bards, but from his singing rose some Words Of Power hidden under merry
outlook...  So, our happy adventurer arrived near very old oak middle of green
fields. He stopped and still humming, looked around. "What a beautiful day!"
He thought. "Maybe I'll rest here before contiuing my ourney". And so he
started to sing different kind of tune. His voice came more powerful as he
sang, and soon happened a small miracle: A group of pixies came and started to
serve a huge meal in front our little bard. Smiling contently, our adventurer
started to eat and drink, and between drinking and eating some
Trallalaa-sounds could be heard by nearby animals.
After eating, out little adventurer decided that it is definetly time for
sleep and took his sleeping equipment from his rucksack. Soon he snored
happily under the big oak, smiling a bit in his sleep.
While out bard slept, weather started to change. Slowly but steadily dark
clouds started to gather from north and in the distance bolts of lightning
could also be seen. Thunder rolled somewhere, still far away.
Happily unaware of these changes, hobbit slept under the tree. Soon the first
drops of rain started to fall to leaves of old oak, first just now and then
until the tempo changed to more rapid drumming of warm spring rain.
Vikothor, that was our little bard's name. He had been travelling far and wide
across the realms to spread joy and entertain creatures who lived in these
lands. He was also always ready for any kind of new adventure, because his
curious nature.
He had walked to this plain merely by a chance, and the place he had chosen to
rest was too just randomly chosen. At least Vikothor had thought so...
But the pouring rain forced Vikothor to wake up, and worriedly he eyed
thundering sky. He had not seen such a powerful storm in a long long time...
thunderstorms were not very usual in springtime anyways... 
There was something peculiar in that storm, it gathered so fast and it was so
furious that Vikothorr started to think that maybe gods were somehow involved
developing the storm.
Sitting under the oak Vikothor eyed the plains, and he soon noticed something
moving in the distance. As the creature draw nearer, vikothor saw that it was
a huge troll which was running towards the tree. Every now and then the troll
looked back and it seemed to be very worried about something.
Vikothor stood up. What ever thougths that troll had in mind, Vikothor would
not give up without a good fight. And good bard has always a trick or two in
his back pocket... 
Troll neared, cathing its breath it almost fell to its knees near Vikothor.
"" It panted. "Must hide..." it continued. And then it fell to
ground, too exhausted to speak, just panting rapidly.
Vikothor asked: 
"What are you running away from, my fellow adventurer?" 
Troll could not answer first, it seemed slowly gather himself and seemed only
now notice Vikothor.
"Oh" it said. "Who are you, little fellow?"
Vikothor answered: "Maybe I will tell you, if I may ask you dear sir, Who are
Troll seemed to think something for a moment. Then it said: "My name is
Rutaliator. Of Troll race, Guild of Rangers". "Who are you, now may I ask"
Vikothor answered: "I am Vikothor, one of Bard's guild, bringing joy and
happiness to these realms!"
Rutaliator nodded. He said: "Ok, good enough for me. I was running because of
I have some evil forces behind me"
"I was at Zonni swamps and I think I made something wrong there... I think I
offended Burglefloogah somehow."
Vikothor's face started to look very worried. "Burglefloogah!" he said. "But
but... he is a...god..."
Rutaliator said "I think I stole his weapon". And suddenly Rutaliator was
enveloped in black glow as he wielded huge long sword in his right hand. "This
blade is called Vorpal Sword" told Rutaliator.
And this is one of the best swords in these realms. I took this from chambers
of Burglefloogah. 2
Suddenly, as Rutaliator spoke those words, a huge lightning hit from the skies
and a evil, sinister voice echoed from the sky: "Rutaliator, you have stolen
for me! That cannot go without consequenses! ".
The lightning hit Rutaliator and in front of Vikothor eyes it burned all flesh
away leaving only a standing skeleton with a skeleton of sword in his hand in
front of horrified Vikothor.
Vikothor was pretty sure that Rutaliator had died. His physical body was
destroyed but Evil Gods had spared his soul because they wanted to punish
Rutaliator. So, after smoke had settled down, Vikothor could see something
uncanny and horrible. Slowly, a fiery red glare lit in skeleton's eyesockets,
evil light emitted from its skull. It grinned it's bony smile. And spoke
somehow, although it had no lungs to produce sound. It said "Vikothor. I am
changed by evil gods and now I must follow a different path; whereas I worked
for good before, I must now work for forces of Evil and Death and Decay"
"I will search and destroy defenders of good things and slay them one by one
until there is not one left to kill"
"And for that purpose, Gods have given me this powerful artifact, This
magnifient blade. It's name shall be Rutanakor from now on!" And standing
straight skeleton rose the remains of the blade towards the sky! Another
lightning hit, and now the blade was pure bone! Exited, Rutaliator yelled
it thirst blood!" my enemies, their very core and bind into this blade and
"This blade shall be like no other! This blade will suck the corpses of
make it stronger! Let
"Gods of Destruction, grant me another wish!" And suddenly a scythe appeared
in Rutaliator's left hand.
