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Library: Prayer to the River Goddess: Rogue (II)


Author: merja
Date:Mar 25 2007

 First the bundled bouquet
 Then the yellow sunshine
 Purplish tongues tips
 Then white purity
 Green frivolous life tree
 Brown bark of solid wood
 I do believe she understood.
She flows eternal life serum
the candle in the east as
it rises he greets her by kissing her feet
and at night he sinks into her lair.
sacrifice a love of life avow
dancing gently are her waves
urves of efficiency meet
so offer her your soul tonight
with single rose budded delight
feed her hungry depthy eyes
and pray to her, while you fantasize
...laughing on the midnight breeze
a new moon starts to wane before it is time...
And in runes 'was writ "a hant for the spell:
Motherhood, eternal bliss,
pray come upon me soon."


I married in December 1997. No children exist of this marriage. I feel more
and more the child myself, as time passes. Perhaps I will never know that
beauty which this poem speaks of.

The offerings were a silly superstition I retain. It's the energy which exists
in all things, a living, present energy form which weaves with us. We tend to
tear it to pieces, but when we are one with it then life seems magical. This
is a fantastic projection.
