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Library: Brillo's wand (playerkilling with style)!


Author: Dogi
Date:Sep 25 2001

Brillo hugs his own Custom wand named Fuck you, yer fat mom, smelly cat, ugly
sister, bitchass dog, both your anatomically correct teddybears and have a
nice fucking day you goddamn cocksuckin piece of dried out worm infested sack
of shit. After I zap you I will shove the blunt end of this up your loose
faggot ass and cook your guts till you are shittin heart tissue you
motherfuckin annoying dicksucking punk fuck. And deathseeker says hi you
motherfucker, there will be no snowcones where Im sending you, so bend over
and kiss your ugly pimply ass goodbye and if i ever see you again i will get
Kiwi to buttrape you so hard yer eyeballs pop out and dangle by his erect
penis protruding from your mouth and you can rest comfortable knowing death
isnt the end cause deathseeker will skullfuck your empty eyesockets till there
is so much static electricity you gain consciousness off and on fuckin making
eq turning food make perfect sense as the sparks flying from your eyesockets
make your brain a mush of fucking magic being a raging torment then if thats
not bad enough Ewige will come join you in hell and ask you questions about
how you died and if there is a quest involved, and Dogi will spew nonsense at
you for an hour and then say something that makes  perfect sense, further
warping your perspective on reality..all the whilekiwis cock is still makin
yer bowels groan and yer teeth hurt while you idle in hell contemplating wut a
major fuck up you are, Gunk will idle a bit loose his link 3 times trying to
get to you then realize you are in hell and hes killed blockers trying to get
to you, then  wait till you get raised to send you straight back to hell for
making his links suck all the while gotrek will spam shouts about losing eq
and being so retired that he still logs on for 12hrs a day while you wonder if
your eq is actually chested or if you will have to die again trying to make it
to your chestroom  you little fuckface chickenshit peckerlipped bastage. Eat
die! FUCKER! (2/100).
