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Library: A day in little Jack's life


Author: farthon
Date:Aug 14 2003

Sun shines and birds sing on a beautiful autumn morning. People 
are awakening from their slumber and getting ready for day's work. 
In a small suburban apartment a small boy wakes to irritating 
sound of an alarm clock. Little Jack stretches his arms and puts 
his clothes on. After brushing his teeth he proceeds to kitchen 
to eat breakfast, but alas the kitchen is empty. Mom has not 
prepared breakfast. 
Slowly little Jack opens the bedroom door and steps inside only 
to notice that the bed is empty. Nobody has slept in the bed. 
Scratching his head Jack continues to the workroom where he finally 
sees her mother. "Mother, I'm hungry, can you make me breakfast?" 
asks little Jack. "In a second honey, mommy has to kill this one 
monster first." answers the mother. Little Jack looks at his mother 
and whines "But but, you're killing Burglefloogah, it will take 
hours!". "In a second honey, in a second..." whispers mother. 
Disappointed little Jack moves to next room and finds his father 
typing fast on his computer. "I will pkill you if you dont make me 
breakfast now!" exclaims little Jack. His father pales a bit and 
says "Ok, let's go see what we have in the fridge". 
Hungrily little Jack ventures to kitchen his father following him 
in the 2nd row. Father stomps to the fridge and opens the door. 
"Honey! Didn't you go to shop yesterday?" yells the father. Silence. 
"Honey! The fridge is empty, you said you took care of it" calls the 
father. After a moment little Jack and his father go to workroom 
behind the mother. "Mommy, don't say you didn't go to market and buy 
food" whines little Jack. "Oh, what did you say? Ahh, yes yes, I 
donated all the food money to bat." answers the mother. 
Starving and tired little Jack finally makes it to school after a 
short negotiation talks with his father about how fast a psionicist 
can kill a tarmalen. Exhaustion and medieval history class makes 
little Jack sleepy and after a while he starts to snore. 
The school ring bells and little Jack awakes. He starts running out 
to schoolyard with everyone else, but in halfway he stops. "Hey, 
whos the leader? The party formation is not right. Tanks should be 
in first row!" he exclaims. Other kids continue running out while 
Jack mutters to himself about exp newbies. "Okay! That's it! I'm out 
of your party!" he utters. A kid bumps into Jack from behind and 
continues his way out. "Oh gawd damn! Have to go unchest and show 
that prick some manners" little Jack cries out. 
Grinning wickedly little Jack comes out from sports equipment storage 
wielding in his left hand a curling stick and in his right hand an 
ice-skate. In his head he wears a floorball mask and a pair of boxing 
gloves hang from his improvised belt made of a skipping-rope. 
"PERKELE! KILARI!" echoes through school hallways and little Jack 
starts running outside. 
A boy stands twiddling his thumbs near the sports hall. Hearing some 
cursing behind he turns around only to see a glazing blade before it 
horribly shreds crushing the skull, forcing brain tissue to fly out. 
The curling stick BARBARICALLY BASHES pulling out the still beating 
heart. Walking past little Jack states "Some motherfuckers are always 
trying to iceskate uphill." 
To little Jack's annoyance his previous actions made the city guards 
aggressive and reluctantly he decides to chest his equipment go 
serve the sentence so he can train in this boot still. Wondering why 
nobody has dug a grave for the corpse he walks past it back to sports 
hall. After chesting he comes back only to find the corpse still 
laying there on the ground. "Hey! If someone resses this guy, I will 
pkill them too! You have been warned! And someone dig a grave for 
this corpse" little Jack yells before the cityguards come and arrest 
"How much longer till reboot? Can't I go already, I've served my 
sentence already!" little Jack mutters in a padded white cell. 
