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Author: merja
Date:Oct 7 2003

At first I only heard the voices during sleep. The people who spoke to me,
they were unclear. I could not understand their words. And they moved around
me. I could continue the dream, and I would not wake until it was morning.
     When I am awake, there are people around me. I used to be able to
understand them. But I think those people and the people in my dreams have
crossed over, and now even though I live, I live with Sky people in my dreams.
They are all shadow people anyway. And they move about in their own patterns,
following their own courses, and sometimes they will see me; sometimes they do
     They tell me I was a Lieutenant in the military service during the war.
That is not true. Somehow they have implanted someone else's memories into my
mind. Someone who did not survive the war. That is why at night the nightmares
get worse. I try to understand it all, but I cannot. I do not understand what
they say. The dream people who say I was a warrior during the upheaval. The
people around me who do not pay attention to me, they do not respect me as an
honoured hero or warrior. So I do not believe. Are they the fool to believe in
this story?
     The dream people have tried to show me their captured spirits. I am
afraid that they will try to capture mine. They say to me, "This is your
spirit, grandfather, this is you when you were a Lieutenant in the war!" And
when they smile there is a sadness in their eyes. Maybe they already know the
truth and they cannot admit it when I am near. Maybe they cannot admit it to
