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Library: A Newbie's tale.


Author: kharadus
Date:Sep 5 2003

  I was a young lad who had just started his journey in this weird place. It
was a thrilling experience to wander around the many places of Batworld and
see the many faces that people here carried. When my journey began I was born
as a cyclops, who quickly joined the Guild of Barbarians, which at that time
was much different from what it is now.
  Those were happy days, wondering around Newbie Mines, the digger area in
Newbie mountains and when I got to party with a bit bigger people we could
even clear the famous Diggas. I quickly advanced to the status of a Squire,
wielding two Huge dwarven axes made of mithril and carrying a shovel. Those
were the days I have to tell you. 
  During my travels in the Newbie Mines I met this funny fellow, who went by
the name of Elrond in those days. He was my first "highbie"-friend, or so I
considered him since he had actual eq's, a blood-drinker axe, a blood axe and
some chainmail. In my eyes he was some kind of a demigod who could whack
through the mines in mere seconds. And he also was nice, and introduced me to
many players, some of which I still know today. 
  One of the people Elrond introduced me to was Gilgal, whom he called the
coolest Canadian in the world. Elrond told me that if I ever got the cash for
a real chest, I should talk to Gilgal and he would arrange that for me. Thus,
when I got the onehundred and eightyfivethousand gold pieces it took for a
chest, I started buggering this Gilgal fellow whom I barely knew. He was most
friendly, telling me that I could get a chest for 10k cheaper than what I had
been told. So I transferred all my earthly possessions to him and sooner than
I could say tetragravitonlaserarray I had myself a chest. Now it was just a
matter of time that I would become a lean mean killing machine, or so I
thought. Sadly this chest was soon stolen.
  This setback didn't hold me back though. It took some time and perhaps ten
reincarnations, but I got the money for another chest and yet again I
contacted Gilgal. Hearing about my bad luck he offered to pay half of my new
chest, and that truly was a happy moment. During this time I also had moved to
a safer castle. The chest I got wasn't in very good condition so I gave it to
this fellow known, whose name has been swallowed by the sands of time, who
promised to repair it. He was a merchant, above lvl50 and he had 110d of
gaming age, so I believed him to be trustworthy. This, of course, was not the
case and I ended up losing a chest, again.
  Due to these little setbacks I had managed to reincarnate some thirty times
total before I got around to actually owning a chest. And this chest I got
straight from Gilgal, no money was required from my behalf. It was a joyous
day, and it made Gilgal seem as some benevolent deity in my eyes <newbie
glow>. From that point on Gilgal was one of my dearest friends, and perhaps
the only person not from Finland who I had long conversations with in this
  Those days are now long gone, I have suicided and been re-created. Elrond
plays no more, Gilgal lives only in our memories and real thieves are nowhere
to be found(better check your locks just in case, though). This world has
changed a lot during all these years, yet it's still as fresh and as fun as it
was all those years ago. Thanks be to those who continue running it for us.
