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Library: Story about 'Galrok'


Author: glacius
Date:Oct 13 2003

Once upon time, a little boy was born in a world. Later his parents
named him as 'Galrok'. Galrok was pretty shy and he had no friends. 
Once lonely Galrok made journey to old forest neer his parents house.
He played with cones and watched little bunny jumping neer by a big tree.
He tried to catch bunny but lost him at big tree. Galrok had nothing to
do and he sit by tree. After a while he noticed a big shadowy hole in
tree. He took a look at it and found a big ancient book. Of course
Galrok tried to open book, but somekind of magical force prevent him. 
He took book to his father. Father noticed writing on cover, it was
ancient language. Father knew the language and started to read it: 
"Book of demon lord". Father were strucked by complete fear, and he
threw book on fire. Book started to burn and suddenly whole house was 
glowing with black light! Galrok and his parents ran into their garden
fearfully. Suddenly they heard speak from shadows: "You have destroyed
my book! For revenge Ill take your child, after he has helped me in my
work, I might give him back.". Suddenly Galrok vanished in puff a smoke.
Mother started to cry. After a while father said "I know I have good
son and I'm sure he will done the job for demon." Galrok was summoned
to black cage neer a BIG black creature, the DEMON himself. Demon
screamed as he drank black potion, after it he said to Galrok that he
cannot live without strange liquid and it will be your job to make these
potions to me. Galrok heard instructions and made liquid for few days.
Galrok started to get very pissed, he decided to mix recipe a little.
One night demon drank mixed potion. His skin started to burn and he
slowly vanished. Galrok walked to place where demon had been and he
noticed old dusty scroll. He read the words and after few moments,
dimension door appeared in front of Galrok. Galrok entered in it and he
was magically transfered to his home. At home mother and father smiled
and hugged him. At night in Galroks room, father said to him "Son, I
knew you would have made it, but now let's forget this evil creature."
That long was the story of Galrok.
