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Library: Spirit in the Light


Author: linkless
Date:Oct 30 2003

It often seems that we are in our darkest hour.  Even looking back on times
that we then thought were our worst, they now seem to pale in comparison to
our current state of depression.  Don't despair!  It is only those who strive
for the light that travel through the deeply shadowed valleys.  Though it may
seem that sadness and danger are ever present, and that the black night will
never end, keep hope!  Know in your heart that no matter where, or who, you
are there is something greater that calls each and every one of us onward. 
The bright tomorrow will soon become the bright today!  The future is now,
forget the past and step from the darkness into the brightest light.  The
light of your spirit, and of those who strive to brighten the world, will
cleanse and purify your consciousness, bringing you a new love and
understanding of our reality
Since the dawn of time man has strived to improve his life.  Through science,
technology, and even religion we have found comfort and satisfaction.  We are
in a period of transition, however, and those who seek the light are becoming
restless.  It is now no longer enough that we be physically comfortable.  What
is now required for us is true happiness, and this cannot be manufactured or
purchased.  We are searching for a spiritual fulfillment, but are unsure of
how to attain it.  We have searched the heavens and seas, raped the earth of
its resources, and still we are no closer.  Where we have not looked, on the
whole, is within.  Into our own spirits.  And therein is the key that will
bring the glorious dawn.  It is time that all souls be seen for their merits,
not their possessions.  For truly, material pleasures will not enrich our
spirits.  When we put all of our physical differences aside, and only then,
will we be able to grow into the full greatness that is our calling.  We live
in a world of infinite possibilities, but it is only when we truly know
ourselves that we will be able to command it.
How, we ask, can we look into our own souls and find the answers that we seek?
 It is not difficult.  All that is required is the knowledge of what to ask
and the answers will make themselves known.  However, there are a few things
that we must do before being ready to receive this information that is buried
within us.  We must first truly know ourselves.  Once we have accomplished
this we are able to awaken our souls to a concious awareness.  At this point
we will start to see this world in a much different light as our spirits take
in the world around us and become aware of the light that we so desperately
seek.  It is then that we can turn our questions inward and be ready to
receive the knowledge that our souls impart.
To truly know ones self is not as easy as it may at first seem.  It is not a
simple statement such as, "I am John."  That is merely a material label and of
no real use.  Who you are is a far deeper matter, that will require much time
and introspection to find.  To truly know who you are you must first discover
why you exist in this world.  What you could call your spiritual nature.  Upon
this realization you must next learn how to nurture your spiritual nature and
help it develop.  As you grow into your role you will eventually be able to
join the ranks of the spiritually aware, and move forward in your quest for
the light.
Everyone has a predisposed spiritual nature, but some are harder to discover
than others.  There are also many different kinds of natures: healer, helper,
leader, and many more.  Look back on your life, and you will find many
instances where you excelled in something that you had never before attempted
or were even trained in.  Single out these occurances and examine them
closely.  You will be able to find a common thread that binds them all
together.  Perhaps there were several times in your life that you consoled a
troubled person, and helped them understand their situation better.   If this
is the case then maybe you have a healing nature.  Or maybe, when crises
strike, you are the one to bring people together to handle the situation in a
calm and organized manner.  This is possibly a sign that you have the nature
of a leader.  Whatever the case, you will find that one nature will be
prevelant and stand out more strongly than any others that may, by chance,
appear.  When you have examined all the relevant occurences in your life,
compare your findings with your everday life.  Does this particular nature
seem to have an influence on the way you do things?  If so, then
congratulations, you have discovered your spiritual nature.  If not, then
spend some more time examining your life.  It may be difficult, but don't give
up.  You will eventually discover that which is your spiritual nature
Now that you are one step closer to truly knowing yourself, it is time you
take the knowledge you have gained and help it grow more fully.  You must
allow your nature to have more than just an influence on your life.  You need
to become what your nature decrees.  This does not mean that you should become
a doctor, counselor, or politician.  We are dealing with spiritual matters,
and the material has as little effect on the spiritual as a match has on a
conflagration.  In fact, it is quite the contrary.  Allow your habits and
routines to fall away from you and let your spiritual nature drive your
decision making process.  Don't be surprised if you have trouble doing this. 
It is very difficult to alter your methodologies and let an unfamiliar force
create new ones.  Keep in mind, however, that even if you do find yourself
slipping into your old ways, it does not mean that you have failed.  All
regression indicates is that you are not yet ready to unconsciously allow your
nature to determine your course.  For quite a while, perhaps even years for
some, you may need to consciously allow your nature to run its course.  In
time, though, it will react to any given situation before your material self
You may wonder how to let your spiritual nature take over.  This is difficult,
as every nature is different, and every person has different habits that need
to be changed.  There is even the possibility that your spiritual nature
already determines your actions.  Whatever the situation may be, one basic way
to begin is to wait before reacting to any given circumstance.  Examine the
situation carefully, with much introspection, and allow yourself to come to a
decision based on what feels right to your soul, not what seems right to your
mind.  Often, both what feels right and what seems right will coincide.  In
the early stages of your development examine these coincidences carefully, as
it may have happened falsely and the material has won out over the newly
budding spirit.  Later on, your spirit and your mind will coincide much more
often until it happens almost all of the time.  This is the point that you
should strive for.  The point where the well developed spiritual nature has
become the dominant decision maker.
The soul is always aware but, in our current situations, it has more of an
effect on our unconcious mind than our conscious one.  As it stands, dreams
are our souls form of communication with our minds.  Yet, while this bridge
stands, most of us do not seem to consider our dreams as a useful source of
information.  Science today tells us that dreams are no more than a sort of
'reset' for our minds.  A kind of mental house cleaning.  While this may
occasionally be the case, it is far more than that.  Imagine that dreams are,
in fact, just mental house cleaning.  Is it not true that, when actually
cleaning your house, you will often find many useful things that you had
misplaced and thought you had  lost?  As such, it seems more than likely that
similar findings will take place in your dreams.  Remember that this is based
on the assumption that dreams are no more than what science tells us, and are
not our spirits communicating with our matieral selves.  Regardless of how you
may currently view dreams, they are still something that should be paid
attention to.  This is a crucial first step in awakening your spirit to a
concious awareness.  Remembering and paying attention to your dreams, though,
is only the first step.  Next you need to focus your dreams, gain a sort of
control over them.  This will allow you to take the next step forward:
communicating with your spirit in a concious way.
Now that you are aware of your spiritual nature, and it has started to change
your perspective on life, your soul will communicate more regularly with your
mind.  However, this will still be on more of a unconcious level than anything
else.  This does not make these communications any less important, so it is
vital that you become consciously aware of these messages.  Many texts have
been written on remembering and interpreting dreams.  Initially you may find
some of the suggestions found in these useful for finding out what your soul
is telling you.  If you have no problem remembering your dreams in detail, it
may not be necessary.  What you will find, over all, are insights into things
you need to do, and suggestions on ways that certain situations could have
been handled.  Keep in mind that these will deal with spiritual matters, so
some of the meanings might be vague.  The longer you keep track of your
dreams, the easier it will become to find what you need to know.
It is necessary, at times, to gain the solutions to certain problems without
having to sift through random messages.  Since you are already familiar with
how your soul communicates with you, it is possible to request certain
information from it.  At this current stage, the easiest place to look is in
your dreams.  This requires commanding a certain control of what information
you receive.  This is what many people call lucid dreaming.
