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Library: La Chatoyante Libellelum


Author: merja
Date:Jan 17 2004

He was crying for things,
things which we had shared
and saying how he loved me still...
and then I turned away from him
and wandered past the hills,
twisting into the droning flames
my hair singed, my blackened skin
pearls of sweat livid on my black
tearing at his paleness
veering into the darkness
searing entrance into the fire
she becomes the pheonic fair
sprouting dragonfly wings aflame
away she flies upwards on,
and with one last iridescent glimmer,
she has finally pushed through
and this time she is truly gone...
...but he was not able to do it,
and he could not move through,
and sat upon the shore,
he stares into the flames
as they mock his misery
he shivers, devoured alive
a dragon gorges upon him
swooped down, she feasts
and he cries aloud in fear!
...away from the crashing waves
and the crescending foam,
so stagnant and motionless
he is on that shore alone,
crying to the stone-maiden's breast,
empty are the tears which fall,
dripping silently from his eyes.
already she flies, away,
moving from their parting place,
she slips across the darkened sea,
chasing a burning red sun
past the endless horizons of night,
she seeks a forgotten past
consuming the Sphynx of Time.
...from the darkness she calls
his name a wordless echo,
and with the dawn she awakens
to find emptiness within.
gathering a hand full of Time,
lets it sift through her fingers,
spiralling down, down, down
swiftly under the sunlight...
the waves by her side,
she walks in human form,
two feet planted, arms besides,
lifting one foot,
with supple movement it is bent,
and she is down on one knee,
toying with the edges
of a foam-wave gently receeding
from her grasping hand,
as she seeks to possess its beauty.
the waves dazzle and stun
the eyes of a less man
would have been undone
blinded fervour at his breast
and trembling hands
as he reaches to grasp her,
pulling her down to him,
in the sand to lie, side by side.
He tickles her back,
suckles her fleshly nipple,
she is aware of a power
which surges between her legs,
as the small hairs of her body rise
and her strong muscles tense.
Time is consumed, swallowed, devoured,
seeming not to last but one day.
A beach-wood fire is burning
in the sand, near where they lay.
Together, the lies as one,
Tenderly he has pulled her down,
and their lovemaking hearts
drown out the sound of the Sea.
Entangled and enfolded in warmth,
together they lie, the man and she...
their hands intertwined,
he is in love, accepting this
the single moment which they have,
that there is no one else,
not in all the wide open world.
She clasps to that warm hand
which rests gently upon her hip.
and with that she stands,
sighing a gentle, soft sound,
and leaving him there,
she walks back to her cave,
to be alone every day.
as the darkness transcends into love
she is as wide as the open sky
when the moon transcends into darkness.
