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Library: Fall of Ramenol


Author: night
Date:Jul 5 2004

There he was, standing on the balcony, watching his realm, Ramenol, below.
Deep in his thoughts he ruffled his beard. Worries could be seen on his face.
He was troubled by the thought that wizard of Ages, mighty Kalemnar told him.
Kalemnar had described the fall of the Ramenol to him. 'Profecies have come
true, one by one, so why wouldn't this one?' he questioned himself. He began
to walk inside as his beautiful daughter Lorelian walked towards him. 'Father,
what's wrong?' she asked. - 'Nothing my dear, nothing that I should trouble
you with', he continues 'Just go inside my daughter, maids should have cooked
our dinner already.'
          Next day king Forelian decided to meet the wizard again. He asked
his horse to be mounted, called two of his best men and started riding to the
village where the wizard lived. On the way he had a good opportunity to check
his realm and he thought in his mind what could be so wrong there.
          After one long day of riding he had reached the village of Garol,
the home of the wizard of Ages, the head of all the arch wizards. Garol was
actually a fortress, a gift to Kalemnar from the grand-grand-grand-grand-father
 of Forelian. All the citizens were servants of Kalemnar though still living
their daily lives spending their spare time outside the fortress, fishing in
the lake, lovers could be seen running on the meadows.
          Forelian arrived to the massive arch way entrance of Kalemnar's
awesome palace made of emerald. Kalemnar's servants came towards king, helped
him off the horse and bowed. Head of the servants said 'I hail you king
Forelian, I welcome you to your humble servant's Kalemnar's emerald palace,
the heart of Garol, the shrine of wisdom of the splendid realm of Ramenol.' -
'Thank you, servant.' king replied. 'Now take me to Kalemnar.'
          The head of the servants took king to arch wizard Kalemnar. Kalemnar
bowed deep before Forelian and then asked 'What brings you here, king
Forelian?' - I'm here to discuss with you wise Kalemnar' king said, then
continued 'I'm troubled by the description of your latest vision'. Kalemnar
said 'I see what I see. I've never been wrong before, I do not feel too happy
about this myself either.' King asks 'What brings the destruction?' - 'The
eternal battle of good and evil is getting to it's end. I was wrong before,
good does not always win...' - 'Where does this evil come from mighty
Kalemnar' Kalemnar became preoccupied then looked at king into the eyes and
got sad expression on his face: 'I am just the servant of the truth... but the
evil comes from you king Forelian, it comes from you.' - 'What do you mean,
asked king hastily. 'Rest is yet to come, I cannot help you more my lord.'
Wizard sighed then walked away.
          King Forelian stayed for the night in palace's majestic quarters. He
did not see the wizard anymore before it was time to leave. He was very
worried but there was a glimpse of hope in his mind: 'What if the wizard has
become too old to see clearly? I know his time is in the end'. Forelian
dwelled in these thoughts for the rest of the journey back to his castle. When
he got near he saw huge smoke cloud, he started riding faster, he hasted and
hasted to finally see that the heart of his empire was destroyed by fire. A
group of dark-clad people rid towards him. He told his guards to be prepared
until he saw that it was his daughter coming towards him. 'Daughter I'm so
glad to see you are alright, but what has happened?". - "New era". said
Lorelian. "The era of ultimate power." At that moment king saw it all...
