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Library: Crystalline Clarity


Author: merja
Date:Oct 20 2004

This book should be about finding happiness within yourself. If nothing more,
it should give some words from others about the subject of joyful experience.
Should you still ponder, do not stop with these words, but explore yourself.
Explore independently and seek the inner healing crystals, seek a level of
harmony within yourself.
    "We all desire happiness and do not want suffering. Because the very
purpose of life is  to be happy, it is important to discover what will bring
about the greatest degree of happiness. Whether our experience is pleasant or
miserable it is either mental or physical, generally it is the mind    that
exerts the most influence on most of us. Therefore it is  extremely worthwhile
to try to bring about mental peace Although material growth is important for
human advancement if we pay too much attention to external things and give too
little importance to inner development the imbalance will lead to problems.
Inner peace is the key. If we have inner peace, we will be able to deal with
situations with calmness and reason. Without inner peace, no matter how
comfortable our life is materially  we may still be worried, disturbed, or
unhappy because of the circumstances. When we have inner peace we can be at
peace with those around us. When our community is at a state of peace  it can
share   that peace with neighbouring communities. And so on. When we feel love
and kindness toward others it not only makes others feel loved and cared for
but also helps us to develop inner happiness.  And peace.  As a Buddhist I
have learned that what principally upsets our inner peace  is what we call
disturbing emotions.   All those thoughts, emotions, and mental events   that
reflect a negative or uncompassionate state of mind inevitably undermine   our
experience of inner peace. All such negative thoughts or emotions  as  hatred,
anger, pride, lust, greed, envy, and so onhave the effect of disturbing our 
inner equilibrium. They also have a taxing effect on our physical health In
the Tibetan medical system mental and   emotional disturbances have long been
considered causes of many constitutional diseases including cancer. Scientists
and health professinals in the West  increasingly share this point of view 
too. Disturbing emotions are the very source of unethical conduct.  They are
also the base of anxiety, depression,  confusion and stress which are such a
feature in our lives today. And yet because we so often fail to recognise
their destructive potential we do not see the need to challenge them.
    -Dalai Lama.
Mindfulness. Seeing things as they are , without   trying to change them. The
point  is to try and dissolve our reactions  to distrubing emotions being
careful not to reject the emotion itself. Mindfulness can change how we relate
to and perceive our our emotional states it does not necessarily elimnate
