Author: malitrius
Date:Jan 9 2005
A strange place exists on an island close to Donaru, the place
is exotic in it is own way. The off-the-beaten-track adventurer
usually go here to see the full glory of what the shrewdness of
the human mind can create. During the goblinoid wars 300 years ago,
the Harazam mages created a weird experiment. They had managed to
capture a few strange goblinoids, which are called snotlings. After
months of research, the Harazam mages were amazed of their ability to
survive in any conditions. During the wars it was also understood
that the snotlings were brought along as food for their war trolls.
Since they already have several troll captives, they came up with
this extremely bright idea to create a snotling farm.
The farm was built on one of the islands outside Donaru and they placed
the troll and a couple of snotlings there. The farm covers around
10000 square meters and is surrounded by a tall stone wall to prevent
anyone from escaping the farm. To be really sure that no one escaped,
magic was of course used as well. The troll was magically empowered so
that it would never age. Then they left the island and the idea was to see if
the snotlings could adapt and survive this hostile environment and maybe
someday manage to kill the troll.
The island is no longer under the watchful eyes of the Harazam mages and it
is quite easy to sneak over the gate and take a look at the snootling
farm for yourself. Beware of the troll though, it is usually quite peaceful
and very satisfied with eating snotlings. And do NOT anger it, it's a very
cunning and old troll and the troll is sight of itself and should be left
for other adventurers to see. An intersting fact is that the snotling has
named this troll 'Death', which is a quite suitable name from their point
of view. Since the majority of the snotlings end their days in his stomach.
The place is a quite disgusting and miserable in fact, snotling have the
ability to multiply very easily and live out of nothing. So the place is
crowded with corpses of snotlings or by so miserable snotlings that
should already be dead. Well beside the funguses that the snotlings grow
as food. One more thing to notice is that the snotlings have managed to
evolve during their years on the island and you can find snotlings in
all kind of colors, even though their original color is green. Some
adventureres even claim that they have seen a device that they have created,
which would have the potential to kill the troll. That is probably only a
rumour though.
Oh well a last remark, each year there is a contest that Methuselah (owner
of The Bowl) arranges. The contest is arranged in secret, the Juzam mages
would be outraged if they would catch them exercising their game,
'the Snotling Throw'. It is simple, whoever throws a snotling the longest