Author: drechor
Date:Feb 14 2005
Once upon time there was 3 silly kids called Descent,Drachorian and Drechor.
They were all of was was forgot...and one was
They all had same friends...
Like Enandor And Poserman....
One morning Enandor wanted to some explore and Descent started to whine
because Enandor didn't want take Descent with him...
Poserman was a good person who liked to join our funny adventures....
We had lot of fun because Descent told some wierd stories.
Poserman fell from the chair few times because he laughed so much...
After that Enandor laughed to Poserman so fucking much that he even had to
ignore us for few hours....
Because no one is gonna never read this book so i'm not gonna write much to
And i don't know what the fuck here reads 2 names like Drachorian and Drechor
because i didn't even use those here and why i wrote this shit is that i got
inspired by few of my friends called Enandor,Malar and Jkk.
but i tell little about my boring life...
i like to play games... called Moh:aa,AoM:TT,Rome:TW,Heroes III Complete,and
not some this mud...
and i play ALOT...too much i think...because it takes most of my life and i
just don't do anything else...mayby i get bored someday and start live a
better life.
Because this book is boring and silly...i don't know anyting good to write
Femko said that i should write a sex book...but i didn't have enough time for
mayby i stop this writing now....and i don't know why i wrote this all in
english because in suck in it....
and now i gonna write my friends names here...(all what i remember...)
r kwarrior,Exain,Roadkill,Keno,Awed And Erygon+rest...can't remember anymore,
so all those who aren't on this list...sorry...and now..
The End.