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Library: Dwarf's tale 2


Author: yason
Date:Jun 2 2005

Young dwarf was wandering in mountains and searching some adventures when he
arrived front of small castle. He decided to ask place to stay over night.
Castle's young guide was busy and gave a map to dwarf. "Find the lord and ask
him" said guide.
 So dwarf climbed up on a second floor and went to talk with lord. But lord
was very rude and throw little fellow out of his office. There dwarf met a
young girl. Kylie was her name. She was a cleaner and very sad because lord
called her names and was not so good for her many other ways. Kylie has a plan
to kill lord but she needed some assistance so dwarf offered his helping hand.
 Plan was simple. Lord liked cheesecake more than anything Kylie has decided
to poison one piece of cake and serve that to lord. But because Kylie had to
do her job dwarf had to find a cake and a poison.
 So dwarf went to see castle's chef. But chef had small problems to take care
before he could make a cake. "There are too many rats on basement. Do
something about that and I make you a cake." said cook. Dwarf went downstairs
and quite fast he found reason to grown rat population. One pipe of castle's
special maintenance system was stucked. "That easy..." thought dwarf. When he
came back to kitchen chef's nose looked little bit reddish. "Find me a bottle
of wine and I make that bloody cake for you. I'm sure that there are some
bottles hidden in Salvatore's back room." sobred chef.
 Dwarf sneaked past castle's priest and find one bottle of excellent wine.
"Finally I can go to sleep..." thought dwarf. And yes! When he came back to
cook liquid disappeared less than 5 seconds, into chef's mouth. "I need some
baking powder, don't dare come back without it" grumbled chef and fall a
 Little fellow search around a castle and finally found a box of powder. A box
was put a drawer, only God knows why. In a kitchen cook was already wake up
and ready to bake some delicious cheesecake. When a cake was finally baked,
dwarf delirived one piece to KYlie. Only poison part was left.
 "Go and see alchemist, I have seen many times when he carry some weard vials
with him." tipped a girl. In alchemist's room there was flasks and containers
all around, containing a variety of mysterious multicolored liquids. And there
was also vial of blood red poison.
 When Kylie got a vial she dipped piece of cake to liquid and left to see the
lord. Few minutes later terrible shout was heared. And soon young girl came
back of lord's office. "Your job is now done thank you very many. I'll reward
you generously, come..." said girl. And they left somewhere. Where? That's
maybe adults story.
