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Library: Misadventures of Being Frogged, and Inspired by Ranma


Author: merja
Date:Apr 16 2006

So there I was, naked, alone, shivering and only 331 HPs. I ran into the arms
of the first aggro I could find, some dirty wolf. He tried to bite my head off
and I ran away. He'd better still be hungry later, when I'm bigger and meaner!
Unfortunately one cannot wear armours as a frog, one of the major reasons not
to choose this race. Other lesser fortunate characteristics of such punitive
creatures, is that they cannot use spells or skills. This is tragic really,
and I very nearly died because of it. Luckily Cozmo summoned my frog ass out
of trouble.
I ran and ran and ran and fell into the swamps. Due to the small size, the
frog has to swim instead of stride through the swamps.
>>You swim with strong kicks, just like a frog.<<
Oh the humour amazes me!
...later, much later, I'm afraid... killed a monk of 615 experience points,
stompkicking his ass with my might frog-legs. No really, let's just call me
Battletoad! Not too flattering, however, is the batmud help file. It states:
"Bunnies are the easiest prey here in batmud, also ants, frogs, and ducks..."
I prefer actually to be called "Wu hu jiang zhi jue lie", or "The Tiger".
So after some minor exploration in the Ruins and tombs of the undeads, I
returned happily to restore my sanity as, wu hu jiang zhi lie Merja.
