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Library: Case of Regen Foddering and a small puzzle for everyone


Author: Gylli
Date:Feb 8 1996

There were three men coming to that inn on a dark evening. It was raining and
the innkeeper was already sleeping. Men came in and asked for a room. Servant,
who was at that time unaware what to ask from men as a payment of room. So,
servant quickly decided to ask for 10 coins from each of these men. 
    Later that evening innkeeper woke up and asked if any new customers have
arrived. Servant told innkeeper about those three men and said that he had
charged 30 coins for three rooms. Innkeeper said that 25 would be enough and
that servant should return 5 coins to these three men. Servant thought a
minute: "How can i give three men 5 coins?". So he decided to give each of
these men a coin and keep two to him self.
      Now....innkeeper and the men have 28 coins (25+3). These are all those
men's money, but because the servant returned one coin to each man, they have
paid only 9 for a room. 3 3*9=27......what happened to a coin?
