Author: merja
Date:Jan 5 2007
Modicum of Truth
Also for Cat.
Written in San Diego, CA, USA. From September 2006 - December 2006.
Dragon of Darkness,
You dwell under the veil of Night skies
Caught in the net of the Universe,
Stars of Light shine through the knotwork
Winking at you, revealing a piece of the puzzle,
Like tinsel, the Stars are holes in the Universe,
A net into which you have been trapped
And if you cannot relax it shall drive you to suffer.
You are hidden from the eyes of the gods
And as you approach Blackness,
Is it possible for your Soul to feel your Fear?
Dragon of Shadow,
In the absence of all light,
The darkest hour is that before the Dawning.
Moonless orbs shimmering shades of stardark,
You recall only a glimmer of her eyes,
As a tear rolled down her cheek,
And crimson dusk drove down her pale face,
Concealing her Solitude
Within your famished maw.
Stygian Dragon dripping with Death,
Enigmatic and Impenetrable,
Kill the Dragon, Kill the Self.
And bethink yourself of Her.
Commit to your memory
The essence of your nonchalance
Admidst a fire of hate,
fully wild and alone.
Her unending gratitude to the beast,
His soul of preserverence,
Formed through the fiery breath of centuries.
Dragon of Persistence,
The sound of rain falling
Outside of your Eternal Cave
Damns your endless Night-Soul
Aeons passed in perpetual slumber
As you remember the single tear
Descending like a wilted, crushed flower,
And she peers through your dark aura
And pours love into your empty soul.