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Library: Circuit Diagram


Author: Pirotessa
Date:Feb 14 1997

1, 4, 5, 8 - diodes         9 - 30* ohm resistor
2 - 15* ohm resistor        A - Cell (see below)
3 - 450 ohm resistor        B - 56 ohm resistor
6, 7 - 50 ohm resistor
    |              |                                     |
    |               +                                     -
    |              1                                     8
  /~~X              -                                     +
 |/~_/| 8.5        |                                     |
  X__/  VAC        |                                     |
    |              2                                     7
    |              |    +   -         +   -              |
    |              |~~~~  4  ~~~~T~~~~  5  ~~~~  6  ~~~~~|
    |                            |            +   -        
    |              3             ~~~~  9  ~~~~  A  ~~|   B
    |                                                |   

Diodes should be 1N4001 or equivelent (like 1N4002, 1N4004)
Resistors with '*' should be 5W, other resistors should be at least .5W
Recommended Cell type is Zn/MnO2/KOH cell.  Less expensive variants such
as "general purpose" cell are not recomended.
