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BatMUD Forums > Mudcon.campcon > Re: Hmm

08 Dec 2014 17:20
First off, thanks Entropy for all the past campcons, those have been a
highlight for me each year...

That said, I'd like to see a similar event to fill the role? I'd be able to
host a campcon in California (20 acres, lake, swimming pool, no house), but
that's quite the treck for most of you. Other ideas?
* We could bring back vegascon?
* Do others have a spot to do a campcon in other parts of Indiana/surrounding
* We could do something at a public campground (someone would need to scope it

Other ideas?

C o d e s l a v e
4y, 29d, 13h, 47m, 51s old
21 [Wizard]
08 Dec 2014 17:21
Any more movement on this?
I'd happily vote for VegasCon, as airfare is cheap...or something closer to my
home [mid atlantic region]--DC/Baltimore, even NYC.
Or maybe even an additional excuse to visit LA or San Francisco...
Ooga wrote:
First off, thanks Entropy for all the past campcons, those have been a
highlight for me each year...

That said, I'd like to see a similar event to fill the role? I'd be able to
host a campcon in California (20 acres, lake, swimming pool, no house), but
that's quite the treck for most of you. Other ideas?
* We could bring back vegascon?
* Do others have a spot to do a campcon in other parts of Indiana/surrounding
* We could do something at a public campground (someone would need to scope it

Other ideas?
160d, 17h, 16m, 8s old