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BatMUD Forums > General > Call for help for slaying of Asmodeus!

07 Dec 2012 08:45
Ladies and gentlemen! Warriors and mages! Pitiful scum and bottomfeeders! You
are all invited to participate in the GRAND LOTTERY in the honor of the death
of Asmodeus the rather unpleasant lord of hell and ruler of demonkind until
his unfortunate death. This sunday, a band of unique fellows, each a true
snowflake in a sea of snow, is going to attempt to slay Asmodeus, the
unpleasant lord of hell, yada yada replace this with full formalities. Damn
these promotion gigs are annoying, why don't people hire me to perform
anymore, the Arelium concerthall is fully repairable, with some work the
damages from the previous show can be fully fixed. Well, atleast this
mindreading device I borrowed from the psionicists, those self-content
bastards, is working nicely. I just need to think and the words appear on this
scroll. This cleverly leads by hands free for other things. Ops, better not
spill my wine on this book of scantily clad saucy ogremaidens. Ahh damnit,
focus Glaurung, focus!

And for participating in this grand lottery, you will need to pay a small
entryfee, there always is one, isn't there. You will need to sacrifice
yourself upon the altar of blood, and spill some life essence, this is bad,
better replace it with blood, those dirty minds of fellow adventurers.. gnnn
FOCUS! of yours into a well which disrupts Asmodeus' mortal coil in a way that
his invulnerability ends briefly. All participants will be rewarded with a
hefty amount of money. One THOUSAND pieces of gold ( or equivalent in other
coinage maybe) per level he or she or it has attained. For instance a level 36
giant would get 36k money. A lvl VII leech would get heh i know what he is NOT
getting, he definately ain't getting laid.. FOCUS. yes a lvl VII leech would
get 107k cash.

Also, the levels are counted as tickets for the grand lottery, the more
levels, the bigger your chance of winning is. Since the more levels you have,
the bigger your donation into the pool of blood is. The time and place for
this is this coming sunday, 9th of december, starting around 17.00 EET, thats
around 5 hours after reboot of the world. You don't need to sign up for a
list, just show up in furnachia. There will be announcements on various
channels about how badly we need people to show up, and if you are in a hurry,
I am sure we can accomodate you somehow. Once you get summoned there or you
relocate, you will be in the arrivals hall. There you can wait untill you are
called into the sacrifice chamber. Once in the sacrifice chamber, you should
be alert ( nonafk) and be ready to type in a syntax that will be given to you.

The prizes will be listed in the next posting.

3y, 10d, 7h, 35m, 2s old