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BatMUD Forums > Guilds.aelena > Re: Updates

13 May 2015 17:09
There's a new(ish) cultist lurking around the guild. She might know something
about convincing shadow familiars to change their abilities.

Slow death now has the beginnings of a crit system. There's no message for it
yet. Also, stronger organs have a slightly stronger effect. Also, if you have
a significant number of casts, you'll probably feel downtuned as an oversight
was corrected.

C o d e s l a v e
4y, 83d, 12h, 35m, 9s old
40 [Wizard]
08 Sep 2015 16:41
Cheers! finally a familiar reinc, sweet

284d, 11h, 23m, 14s old