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BatMUD Forums > Updates > April Fool's Event

03 Apr 2020 23:21
Right so...the lockdown and stay-at-home order turned my work into something
that ate MUCH more of my time than normal. Because of this, my plans to have
an event as I usually do in April got pushed too far back, and in fact, I had
to scrap them entirely.

Sorry about that. I'm disappointed.

But I did make something relatively quick rather than just skip it entirely.
This weekend, Highbie Mines is up for testing. You'll find it at Newbie Mines.
I figured, we're celebrating the 30th Anniversary, something nostalgic and
simple is called for. So grab your pudding-spoons and beholder-eye-pokers and
give it a look.

Depending on how things go over the weekend, the idea could be left in place,
expanded, or removed. I should also point out this event should be considered
second-tier at best after things like RXP and zinium. Hopefully it's a
relatively fun and bug-free exercise for you and your friends to take a look
at. Test all the items you find -- numbers-tuning is also valid.

Shinarae "Chocolate Egg" Lluminus

A r c h w i z a r d
4y, 152d, 16h, 41m, 1s old
200 [Wizard]