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Good religious background | Guilds & Backgrounds

Good Religious background
Command: good_religious
Creators: Alaron, Ikar, Shardik
Max Level: 10

The people who come from the good religious background follow their faith. They respect their good gods and try to follow their teachings. The important values in the life of a good religious person are respect for life and nature, and the urge to help the less fortunate in distress.

Good religious people learn to use blunt weapons for self-defense and study the basic healing spells so that they could heal those who are hurt. Religious aspects, such as ceremony and blessings are also very close to their hearts.

The good religious people usually dedicate their life to serving their gods. Good examples of such servants are the followers of Tarmalen, the templars of Faerwon or the sisters of Las. Along with them, there are druids who respect nature or monks who respect life in their own way by living by a strict code of honour.

Level 1

Automatically Learned: Gain skill Attack to 3.
Gain skill Bludgeons to 2.
Gain skill Mana control to 2.
Gain skill Essence eye to 3.
Gain skill Cast generic to 3.
Gain skill Cast heal to 3.
Gain skill Baptize to 1.
Gain spell Cure light wounds to 3.
Gain spell Celestial spark to 2.
Bonus: Improves skill Ceremony by 5.
Improves skill Bless by 5.
Improves skill Cast generic by 5.
Improves skill Attack by 5.
Improves skill Essence eye by 5.
Improves spell Cure light wounds by 15.
Improves spell Cure serious wounds by 5.
Level 2

Automatically Learned: Gain skill Attack to 6.
Gain skill Bludgeons to 4.
Gain skill Mana control to 4.
Gain skill Essence eye to 6.
Gain skill Cast generic to 6.
Gain skill Cast heal to 6.
Gain skill Baptize to 2.
Gain spell Cure light wounds to 6.
Gain spell Celestial spark to 4.
Bonus: Improves skill Ceremony by 10.
Improves skill Mana control by 5.
Improves skill Attack by 10.
Improves skill Bless by 10.
Improves spell Cure light wounds by 20.
Level 3

Automatically Learned: Gain skill Attack to 9.
Gain skill Bludgeons to 6.
Gain skill Mana control to 6.
Gain skill Essence eye to 9.
Gain skill Cast generic to 9.
Gain skill Cast heal to 9.
Gain skill Baptize to 4.
Gain spell Cure light wounds to 9.
Gain spell Celestial spark to 6.
Bonus: Improves skill Cast generic by 10.
Improves skill Bless by 15.
Improves spell Cure serious wounds by 15.
Level 4

Automatically Learned: Gain skill Attack to 12.
Gain skill Bludgeons to 8.
Gain skill Mana control to 8.
Gain skill Essence eye to 12.
Gain skill Cast generic to 12.
Gain skill Cast heal to 12.
Gain skill Baptize to 5.
Gain spell Cure light wounds to 12.
Gain spell Celestial spark to 8.
Bonus: Improves spell Cure critical wounds by 5.
Improves skill Essence eye by 10.
Level 5

Automatically Learned: Gain skill Attack to 15.
Gain skill Bludgeons to 10.
Gain skill Mana control to 10.
Gain skill Essence eye to 15.
Gain skill Cast generic to 15.
Gain skill Cast heal to 15.
Gain skill Baptize to 7.
Gain spell Cure light wounds to 15.
Gain spell Celestial spark to 10.
Bonus: Improves spell Create food by 10.
Improves skill Bludgeons by 10.
Level 6

Automatically Learned: Gain skill Attack to 18.
Gain skill Bludgeons to 12.
Gain skill Mana control to 12.
Gain skill Essence eye to 18.
Gain skill Cast generic to 18.
Gain skill Cast heal to 18.
Gain skill Baptize to 8.
Gain spell Cure light wounds to 18.
Gain spell Celestial spark to 12.
Bonus: Improves spell Cure light wounds by 25.
Improves skill Attack by 15.
Level 7

Automatically Learned: Gain skill Attack to 21.
Gain skill Bludgeons to 14.
Gain skill Mana control to 14.
Gain skill Essence eye to 21.
Gain skill Cast generic to 21.
Gain skill Cast heal to 21.
Gain skill Baptize to 10.
Gain spell Cure light wounds to 21.
Gain spell Celestial spark to 14.
Bonus: Improves skill Ceremony by 15.
Improves skill Mana control by 15.
Level 8

Automatically Learned: Gain skill Attack to 24.
Gain skill Bludgeons to 16.
Gain skill Mana control to 16.
Gain skill Essence eye to 24.
Gain skill Cast generic to 24.
Gain skill Cast heal to 24.
Gain skill Baptize to 11.
Gain spell Cure light wounds to 24.
Gain spell Celestial spark to 16.
Bonus: Improves spell Cure critical wounds by 10.
Improves spell Cure serious wounds by 20.
Improves spell Create food by 30.
Level 9

Automatically Learned: Gain skill Attack to 27.
Gain skill Bludgeons to 18.
Gain skill Mana control to 18.
Gain skill Essence eye to 27.
Gain skill Cast generic to 27.
Gain skill Cast heal to 27.
Gain skill Baptize to 13.
Gain spell Cure light wounds to 27.
Gain spell Celestial spark to 18.
Bonus: Improves skill Cast generic by 15.
Level 10

Automatically Learned: Gain skill Attack to 30.
Gain skill Bludgeons to 20.
Gain skill Mana control to 20.
Gain skill Essence eye to 30.
Gain skill Cast generic to 30.
Gain skill Cast heal to 30.
Gain skill Baptize to 15.
Gain spell Cure light wounds to 30.
Gain spell Celestial spark to 20.
Bonus: Improves skill Attack by 25.
Improves skill Bludgeons by 20.
Improves skill Bless by 20.
Improves skill Ceremony by 20.
Improves skill Essence eye by 20.
Improves spell Cure light wounds by 30.
Improves spell Cure critical wounds by 15.