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Bard guild | Guilds & Backgrounds

The Bards' guild
Command: bard
Creators: Amarth, Shardik, Walin
Max Level: 30

There isn't a real adventuring-party of the true nature without a ravishing member of the Bards' guild in it. As bards are considered generally musical artists who preserve and describe tales and legends through their songs, are the Shadowkepian bards also developed from this starting point. Generally acknowledged as one of the less power-hungered guilds, getting familiar with a true bard is most likely to be an unique experience. Bards are bound into exploring, facing overpowerful enemies, bitterly learning the lore and universally having a blast of it all. One of the elder sayings go 'there is no merrier than the heart of a bard when death is imminent.' Bards have some fighting skills and a few outrageous songspells. Advancing in the guild often requires some story-writing skills and completion of specific guild quests. As weapons, bards fashion short and long blades; seldomly also bows. Important: Remember to read the guide in the joining room for more exact information about songcasting and bards in general.

Level 1

Requirements: Background must be Civilized.
Available: The most notable item for every bard is the newly fashioned ANKH! that has its roots in the Shadowkepian way of life; while being a symbol for healing and goodness it has now gained another meaning that aspires even higher - it is the epithet of divine sound.
Bards are granted mainly dexterity, but also wisdom during their career. Bards regain their songcasting points rapidly.
May train Songcasting to 20.
May train Songscribing to 20.
May train Attack to 25.
May train Swim to 25.
May train Short blades to 15.
May train Long blades to 15.

May study Noituloves dischord to 10.
Level 2

Available: May train Songcasting to 22.
May train Songscribing to 24.
May train Attack to 27.
May train Swim to 50.
May train Dodge to 2.
May train Short blades to 17.
May train Long blades to 17.

May study Noituloves dischord to 32.
May study Catchy singalong to 10.
Level 3

Available: May train Songcasting to 25.
May train Songscribing to 29.
May train Attack to 30.
May train Swim to 75.
May train Dodge to 3.
May train Short blades to 19.
May train Long blades to 19.

May study Noituloves dischord to 55.
May study Catchy singalong to 19.
May study Musicians alm to 10.
Level 4

Available: May train Songcasting to 28.
May train Songscribing to 34.
May train Attack to 33.
May train Dodge to 4.
May train Short blades to 21.
May train Long blades to 21.

May study Noituloves dischord to 77.
May study Catchy singalong to 28.
May study Campfire tune to 10.
May study Musicians alm to 25.
May study Kings feast to 10.
Level 5

Available: May train Songcasting to 31.
May train Songscribing to 38.
May train Attack to 35.
May train Tumbling attack to 1.
May train Negate offhand penalty to 1.
May train Dodge to 5.
May train Short blades to 23.
May train Long blades to 23.
May train Leadership to 10.

May study Noituloves dischord to 100.
May study Catchy singalong to 37.
May study Campfire tune to 15.
May study Musicians alm to 40.
May study Kings feast to 18.
May study Jesters trivia to 20.
Level 6

Available: May train Songcasting to 33.
May train Songscribing to 43.
May train Attack to 38.
May train Hiking to 1.
May train Tumbling attack to 3.
May train Negate offhand penalty to 2.
May train Enhance criticals to 2.
May train Dodge to 6.
May train Short blades to 25.
May train Long blades to 25.
May train Leadership to 11.

May study Catchy singalong to 46.
May study Campfire tune to 21.
May study Musicians alm to 55.
May study Kings feast to 26.
May study Strength in unity to 30.
May study Jesters trivia to 36.
Level 7

Available: May train Songcasting to 36.
May train Songscribing to 48.
May train Attack to 41.
May train Hiking to 9.
May train Tumbling attack to 5.
May train Plant lore to 5.
May train Alcohol tolerance to 1.
May train Negate offhand penalty to 4.
May train Dodge to 7.
May train Short blades to 27.
May train Long blades to 27.
May train Leadership to 13.

May study Melodical embracement to 5.
May study Catchy singalong to 55.
May study Campfire tune to 26.
May study Musicians alm to 70.
May study Kings feast to 34.
May study Strength in unity to 35.
May study Jesters trivia to 52.
Level 8

Available: May train Songcasting to 39.
May train Songscribing to 52.
May train Instrument creation to 10.
May train Attack to 44.
May train Hiking to 17.
May train Tumbling attack to 7.
May train Plant lore to 8.
May train Alcohol tolerance to 9.
May train Negate offhand penalty to 6.
May train Dodge to 8.
May train Short blades to 29.
May train Long blades to 29.
May train Leadership to 14.

May study Melodical embracement to 12.
May study Catchy singalong to 64.
May study Campfire tune to 32.
May study Venturers way to 10.
May study Musicians alm to 85.
May study Kings feast to 42.
May study Strength in unity to 41.
May study Jesters trivia to 68.
Level 9

Available: May train Songcasting to 42.
May train Songscribing to 57.
May train Instrument creation to 19.
May train Attack to 46.
May train Hiking to 26.
May train Tumbling attack to 9.
May train Plant lore to 12.
May train Alcohol tolerance to 17.
May train Negate offhand penalty to 8.
May train Dodge to 9.
May train Short blades to 31.
May train Long blades to 31.
May train Leadership to 16.

May study Melodical embracement to 20.
May study Catchy singalong to 73.
May study Campfire tune to 38.
May study Venturers way to 19.
May study Musicians alm to 100.
May study Kings feast to 50.
May study Strength in unity to 47.
May study Jesters trivia to 84.
May study Sweet lullaby to 20.
Level 10

Available: May train Songcasting to 44.
May train Songscribing to 62.
May train Instrument creation to 28.
May train Attack to 49.
May train Hiking to 34.
May train Tumbling attack to 11.
May train Plant lore to 16.
May train Alcohol tolerance to 25.
May train Negate offhand penalty to 10.
May train Dodge to 10.
May train Short blades to 33.
May train Long blades to 33.
May train Leadership to 17.

May study Clandestine thoughts to 5.
May study Melodical embracement to 28.
May study Catchy singalong to 82.
May study Campfire tune to 43.
May study Venturers way to 28.
May study Kings feast to 59.
May study Strength in unity to 53.
May study Jesters trivia to 100.
May study Singing shepherd to 20.
May study Sweet lullaby to 36.
Level 11

Available: May train Songcasting to 47.
May train Songscribing to 67.
May train Instrument creation to 37.
May train Attack to 52.
May train Hiking to 43.
May train Tumbling attack to 13.
May train Plant lore to 20.
May train Alcohol tolerance to 33.
May train Negate offhand penalty to 12.
May train Dodge to 11.
May train Short blades to 35.
May train Long blades to 35.
May train Leadership to 19.

May study Clandestine thoughts to 9.
May study Melodical embracement to 36.
May study Catchy singalong to 91.
May study Campfire tune to 49.
May study Venturers way to 37.
May study Kings feast to 67.
May study Uncontrollable mosh to 10.
May study Strength in unity to 59.
May study Singing shepherd to 33.
May study Sweet lullaby to 52.
Level 12

Available: May train Songcasting to 50.
May train Songscribing to 71.
May train Instrument creation to 46.
May train Attack to 54.
May train Hiking to 51.
May train Tumbling attack to 15.
May train Plant lore to 24.
May train Alcohol tolerance to 41.
May train Negate offhand penalty to 14.
May train Enhance criticals to 4.
May train Dodge to 12.
May train Short blades to 37.
May train Long blades to 37.
May train Leadership to 21.

May study Clandestine thoughts to 14.
May study Melodical embracement to 44.
May study Catchy singalong to 100.
May study Campfire tune to 55.
May study Venturers way to 46.
May study Kings feast to 75.
May study Pathfinder to 5.
May study Uncontrollable mosh to 20.
May study Strength in unity to 64.
May study Singing shepherd to 46.
May study Sweet lullaby to 68.
May study Rapture of the deep to 20.
Level 13

Available: May train Songcasting to 53.
May train Songscribing to 76.
May train Instrument creation to 55.
May train Attack to 57.
May train Hiking to 60.
May train Tumbling attack to 17.
May train Plant lore to 28.
May train Alcohol tolerance to 50.
May train Negate offhand penalty to 16.
May train Dodge to 13.
May train Short blades to 39.
May train Long blades to 39.
May train Leadership to 22.

May study Clandestine thoughts to 19.
May study Melodical embracement to 52.
May study Campfire tune to 60.
May study Venturers way to 55.
May study War ensemble to 10.
May study Kings feast to 83.
May study Pathfinder to 10.
May study Uncontrollable mosh to 30.
May study Strength in unity to 70.
May study Singing shepherd to 59.
May study Sweet lullaby to 84.
May study Rapture of the deep to 28.
Level 14

Available: May train Songcasting to 55.
May train Songscribing to 81.
May train Instrument creation to 64.
May train Attack to 60.
May train Tumbling attack to 19.
May train Plant lore to 32.
May train Negate offhand penalty to 18.
May train Dodge to 14.
May train Short blades to 41.
May train Long blades to 41.
May train Leadership to 24.

May study Clandestine thoughts to 24.
May study Melodical embracement to 60.
May study Campfire tune to 66.
May study Venturers way to 64.
May study War ensemble to 21.
May study Kings feast to 91.
May study Pathfinder to 15.
May study Uncontrollable mosh to 40.
May study Strength in unity to 76.
May study Singing shepherd to 73.
May study Sweet lullaby to 100.
May study Rapture of the deep to 36.
Level 15

Available: May train Songcasting to 58.
May train Songmastery to 20.
May train Songscribing to 85.
May train Instrument creation to 73.
May train Attack to 63.
May train Tumbling attack to 21.
May train Plant lore to 36.
May train Negate offhand penalty to 20.
May train Dodge to 15.
May train Short blades to 43.
May train Long blades to 43.
May train Leadership to 25.

May study Clandestine thoughts to 28.
May study Melodical embracement to 68.
May study Campfire tune to 71.
May study Venturers way to 73.
May study Soothing sounds to 24.
May study War ensemble to 32.
May study Kings feast to 100.
May study Pathfinder to 20.
May study Uncontrollable mosh to 50.
May study Strength in unity to 82.
May study Singing shepherd to 86.
May study Rapture of the deep to 44.
Level 16

Available: May train Songcasting to 61.
May train Songmastery to 25.
May train Songscribing to 90.
May train Instrument creation to 82.
May train Attack to 65.
May train Tumbling attack to 24.
May train Plant lore to 40.
May train Negate offhand penalty to 22.
May train Dodge to 16.
May train Short blades to 46.
May train Long blades to 46.
May train Leadership to 27.

May study Clandestine thoughts to 33.
May study Melodical embracement to 76.
May study Campfire tune to 77.
May study Venturers way to 82.
May study Soothing sounds to 39.
May study War ensemble to 43.
May study Pathfinder to 26.
May study Uncontrollable mosh to 60.
May study Strength in unity to 88.
May study Singing shepherd to 100.
May study Rapture of the deep to 52.
Level 17

Available: May train Songcasting to 64.
May train Songmastery to 30.
May train Songscribing to 95.
May train Instrument creation to 91.
May train Attack to 68.
May train Tumbling attack to 26.
May train Plant lore to 44.
May train Negate offhand penalty to 24.
May train Dodge to 17.
May train Short blades to 48.
May train Long blades to 48.
May train Leadership to 29.

May study Clandestine thoughts to 38.
May study Melodical embracement to 84.
May study Campfire tune to 83.
May study Venturers way to 91.
May study Soothing sounds to 54.
May study Vigilant melody to 40.
May study War ensemble to 55.
May study Pathfinder to 31.
May study Uncontrollable mosh to 70.
May study Strength in unity to 94.
May study Rapture of the deep to 60.
Level 18

Available: May train Songcasting to 66.
May train Songmastery to 35.
May train Songscribing to 100.
May train Instrument creation to 100.
May train Attack to 71.
May train Tumbling attack to 28.
May train Plant lore to 48.
May train Negate offhand penalty to 26.
May train Enhance criticals to 6.
May train Dodge to 18.
May train Short blades to 50.
May train Long blades to 50.
May train Leadership to 30.

May study Clandestine thoughts to 43.
May study Melodical embracement to 92.
May study Campfire tune to 88.
May study Venturers way to 100.
May study Soothing sounds to 69.
May study Vigilant melody to 52.
May study War ensemble to 66.
May study Pathfinder to 36.
May study Noituloves deathlore to 10.
May study Uncontrollable mosh to 80.
May study Strength in unity to 100.
May study Rapture of the deep to 68.
Level 19

Available: May train Songcasting to 69.
May train Songmastery to 41.
May train Attack to 74.
May train Tumbling attack to 30.
May train Plant lore to 52.
May train Negate offhand penalty to 28.
May train Dodge to 19.
May train Short blades to 52.
May train Long blades to 52.
May train Leadership to 32.

May study Achromatic eyes to 20.
May study Clandestine thoughts to 47.
May study Melodical embracement to 100.
May study Campfire tune to 94.
May study Soothing sounds to 84.
May study Vigilant melody to 64.
May study War ensemble to 77.
May study Pathfinder to 41.
May study Noituloves deathlore to 20.
May study Uncontrollable mosh to 90.
May study Rapture of the deep to 76.
Level 20

Available: May train Songcasting to 72.
May train Songmastery to 46.
May train Attack to 76.
May train Tumbling attack to 32.
May train Plant lore to 56.
May train Negate offhand penalty to 30.
May train Dodge to 20.
May train Short blades to 54.
May train Long blades to 54.
May train Leadership to 33.

May study Achromatic eyes to 30.
May study Clandestine thoughts to 52.
May study Campfire tune to 100.
May study Soothing sounds to 100.
May study Vigilant melody to 76.
May study Con fioco to 20.
May study War ensemble to 88.
May study Pathfinder to 47.
May study Noituloves deathlore to 30.
May study Uncontrollable mosh to 100.
May study Rapture of the deep to 84.
Level 21

Available: May train Songcasting to 75.
May train Songmastery to 51.
May train Attack to 79.
May train Tumbling attack to 34.
May train Plant lore to 60.
May train Negate offhand penalty to 32.
May train Dodge to 21.
May train Short blades to 56.
May train Long blades to 56.
May train Leadership to 35.

May study Achromatic eyes to 40.
May study Clandestine thoughts to 57.
May study Vigilant melody to 88.
May study Con fioco to 36.
May study War ensemble to 100.
May study Pathfinder to 52.
May study Noituloves deathlore to 40.
May study Sounds of silence to 20.
May study Rapture of the deep to 92.
Level 22

Available: May train Songcasting to 77.
May train Songmastery to 57.
May train Attack to 82.
May train Tumbling attack to 36.
May train Negate offhand penalty to 34.
May train Dodge to 22.
May train Short blades to 58.
May train Long blades to 58.
May train Leadership to 37.

May study Achromatic eyes to 50.
May study Clandestine thoughts to 62.
May study Vigilant melody to 100.
May study Con fioco to 52.
May study Pathfinder to 57.
May study Noituloves deathlore to 50.
May study Sounds of silence to 40.
May study Rapture of the deep to 100.
Level 23

Available: May train Songcasting to 80.
May train Songmastery to 62.
May train Attack to 85.
May train Tumbling attack to 38.
May train Negate offhand penalty to 36.
May train Dodge to 23.
May train Short blades to 60.
May train Long blades to 60.
May train Leadership to 38.

May study Dancing blades to 25.
May study Achromatic eyes to 60.
May study Clandestine thoughts to 66.
May study Con fioco to 68.
May study Pathfinder to 63.
May study Noituloves deathlore to 60.
May study Sounds of silence to 60.
Level 24

Available: May train Songcasting to 83.
May train Songmastery to 67.
May train Tumbling attack to 40.
May train Negate offhand penalty to 38.
May train Enhance criticals to 8.
May train Dodge to 24.
May train Short blades to 62.
May train Long blades to 62.
May train Leadership to 40.

May study Dancing blades to 35.
May study Achromatic eyes to 70.
May study Clandestine thoughts to 71.
May study Con fioco to 84.
May study Pathfinder to 68.
May study Noituloves deathlore to 70.
May study Sounds of silence to 80.
Level 25

Available: May train Songcasting to 86.
May train Songmastery to 73.
May train Mana control to 30.
May train Tumbling attack to 42.
May train Negate offhand penalty to 40.
May train Dodge to 25.
May train Short blades to 64.
May train Long blades to 64.
May train Leadership to 41.

May study Dancing blades to 46.
May study Achromatic eyes to 80.
May study Clandestine thoughts to 76.
May study Con fioco to 100.
May study Pathfinder to 73.
May study Noituloves deathlore to 80.
May study Sounds of silence to 100.
May study Melody of the misadventurer to 20.
Level 26

Available: May train Songcasting to 88.
May train Songmastery to 78.
May train Mana control to 40.
May train Tumbling attack to 45.
May train Negate offhand penalty to 42.
May train Dodge to 26.
May train Short blades to 66.
May train Long blades to 66.
May train Leadership to 43.

May study Dancing blades to 57.
May study Achromatic eyes to 90.
May study Clandestine thoughts to 81.
May study Pathfinder to 78.
May study Noituloves deathlore to 90.
May study Melody of the misadventurer to 36.
Level 27

Available: May train Songcasting to 91.
May train Songmastery to 83.
May train Mana control to 50.
May train Negate offhand penalty to 44.
May train Dodge to 27.
May train Short blades to 68.
May train Long blades to 68.
May train Leadership to 45.

May study Dancing blades to 67.
May study Achromatic eyes to 100.
May study Clandestine thoughts to 85.
May study Pathfinder to 84.
May study Noituloves deathlore to 100.
May study Melody of the misadventurer to 52.
Level 28

Available: May train Songcasting to 94.
May train Songmastery to 89.
May train Mana control to 60.
May train Negate offhand penalty to 46.
May train Dodge to 28.
May train Short blades to 70.
May train Long blades to 70.
May train Leadership to 46.

May study Dancing blades to 78.
May study Clandestine thoughts to 90.
May study Pathfinder to 89.
May study Melody of the misadventurer to 68.
Level 29

Available: May train Songcasting to 97.
May train Songmastery to 94.
May train Mana control to 70.
May train Negate offhand penalty to 48.
May train Dodge to 29.
May train Short blades to 72.
May train Long blades to 72.
May train Leadership to 48.

May study Dancing blades to 89.
May study Clandestine thoughts to 95.
May study Pathfinder to 94.
May study Melody of the misadventurer to 84.
Level 30

Available: May train Songcasting to 100.
May train Songmastery to 100.
May train Negate offhand penalty to 50.
May train Enhance criticals to 10.
May train Dodge to 30.
May train Short blades to 75.
May train Long blades to 75.
May train Ventriloquism to 100.
May train Leadership to 50.
May train Quick chant to 1.

May study Dancing blades to 100.
May study Clandestine thoughts to 100.
May study Pathfinder to 100.
May study Melody of the misadventurer to 100.