The Bards' guild
Command: bard
Max Level: 30
There isn't a real adventuring-party of the true nature without a
ravishing member of the Bards' guild in it. As bards are considered
generally musical artists who preserve and describe tales and legends
through their songs, are the Shadowkepian bards also developed from
this starting point.
Generally acknowledged as one of the less power-hungered guilds,
getting familiar with a true bard is most likely to be an unique
experience. Bards are bound into exploring, facing overpowerful
enemies, bitterly learning the lore and universally having a blast
of it all. One of the elder sayings go 'there is no merrier than
the heart of a bard when death is imminent.'
Bards have some fighting skills and a few outrageous songspells.
Advancing in the guild often requires some story-writing skills and
completion of specific guild quests. As weapons, bards fashion short
and long blades; seldomly also bows.
Important: Remember to read the guide in the joining room for more
exact information about songcasting and bards in general.
Level 1