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Mage electricity guild | Guilds & Backgrounds

Wielders of Lightning
Command: mage_electricity
Creators: Juggelo, Lampsa
Max Level: 10

Holding power over electricity, the Wielders of Lightning consider themselves the elite of the mages. Usually living in far away places where they can near to nature, Wielders hold the same innate raw power lightning and storm holds. They can make electricity alive if they wish and fry their opponents by a flick of their hand. They are true masters in the control of electric current and their expertise in the field of lightning is far famed across the islands.

Level 1

Requirements: Background must be Magical.
Must be at max level in the Mage guild.
Has studied Shocking grasp to 60.
Has trained Cast electricity to 60.
Available: Receive the reward for continuing your studies
May train Cast electricity to 70.
May train Theory of electrical engineering to 10.

May study Shocking grasp to 100.
May study Magnetic levitation to 10.
May study Energy channeling to 20.
Level 2

Requirements: Has trained Cast electricity to 56.
Has trained Theory of electrical engineering to 7.
Has studied Energy channeling to 14.
Available: May train Cast electricity to 77.
May train Theory of electrical engineering to 20.

May study Magnetic levitation to 20.
May study Energy channeling to 60.
May study Lightning bolt to 50.
May study Chain lightning to 30.
Level 3

Requirements: Has trained Cast electricity to 61.
Has trained Theory of electrical engineering to 14.
Has studied Energy channeling to 42.
Has studied Lightning bolt to 35.
Has studied Chain lightning to 21.
Available: May train Cast electricity to 85.
May train Theory of electrical engineering to 30.

May study Magnetic levitation to 30.
May study Energy channeling to 100.
May study Lightning bolt to 75.
May study Chain lightning to 53.
Level 4

Requirements: Has trained Cast electricity to 68.
Has trained Theory of electrical engineering to 21.
Has studied Lightning bolt to 52.
Has studied Chain lightning to 37.
Available: May train Cast electricity to 92.
May train Theory of electrical engineering to 40.

May study Magnetic levitation to 40.
May study Lightning bolt to 100.
May study Chain lightning to 76.
May study Blast lightning to 40.
Level 5

Requirements: Has trained Cast electricity to 73.
Has trained Theory of electrical engineering to 28.
Has studied Chain lightning to 53.
Has studied Blast lightning to 28.
Available: May train Cast electricity to 100.
May train Theory of electrical engineering to 50.

May study Magnetic levitation to 50.
May study Chain lightning to 100.
May study Blast lightning to 70.
May study Forked lightning to 30.
Level 6

Requirements: Has trained Theory of electrical engineering to 35.
Has studied Blast lightning to 49.
Has studied Forked lightning to 21.
Available: May train Theory of electrical engineering to 60.

May study Magnetic levitation to 60.
May study Blast lightning to 100.
May study Forked lightning to 65.
Level 7

Requirements: Has trained Theory of electrical engineering to 42.
Has studied Forked lightning to 45.
Available: May train Theory of electrical engineering to 70.

May study Magnetic levitation to 70.
May study Forked lightning to 100.
May study Lightning shield to 10.
May study Electrocution to 30.
Level 8

Requirements: Has trained Theory of electrical engineering to 49.
Has studied Lightning shield to 7.
Has studied Electrocution to 24.
Available: May train Theory of electrical engineering to 80.

May study Magnetic levitation to 80.
May study Lightning shield to 55.
May study Electrocution to 53.
May study Lightning storm to 20.
Level 9

Requirements: Has trained Theory of electrical engineering to 56.
Has studied Lightning shield to 38.
Has studied Electrocution to 42.
Has studied Lightning storm to 16.
Available: May train Theory of electrical engineering to 90.

May study Magnetic levitation to 90.
May study Lightning shield to 100.
May study Electrocution to 76.
May study Lightning storm to 60.
Level 10

Requirements: Has trained Theory of electrical engineering to 63.
Has studied Electrocution to 60.
Has studied Lightning storm to 48.
Available: May train Theory of electrical engineering to 100.

May study Magnetic levitation to 100.
May study Electrocution to 100.
May study Lightning storm to 100.