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Treenav guild | Guilds & Backgrounds

The Navigators of the Tree
Command: treenav
Creators: Zin
Max Level: 3

The Navigators of the Tree are able to place their own nodes and link it to other ones, forming a wide tree of nodes with which other people can navigate to distant places by paying a fee set by the navigator. Secondaries may not join the tree herders.

Level 1

Requirements: Background must be Civilized or Magical or Nomad or Good religious or Evil religious.
Available: May train Tree herding to 33.

May study Travel to 33.
Level 2

Requirements: Has studied Travel to 20.
Has trained Tree herding to 33.
Available: May train Tree herding to 66.

May study Travel to 66.
Level 3

Requirements: Has studied Travel to 60.
Has trained Tree herding to 66.
Available: May train Tree herding to 100.

May study Travel to 100.