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Brownie race guild | Guilds & Backgrounds

The Elusive Brownies (brownie)
Command: brownie_order
Creators: Merri
Max Level: 5

Brownies are honest little folk that are distantly related to halflings, but more closely to elves. They are known as the helper race of faeries. Brownies occasionally help the lower class at night, only expecting a small reward of milk and cookies. They are dexterous, intelligent and nimble in nature. Their senses are keen, and they are superb in blending into their surroundings. Brownies rarely engage in combat, they only fight if they are cornered or threatened. Most will rely on magic when fighting. As brownies are very intelligent and agile, they use these characteristics as an advantage in combat. Brownies are honest to the core and malevolent brownies are really rarely seen.

Level 1

Available: Receive bonuses as you advance
May train Cast generic to 20.
May train Camouflage to 10.

May study Create food to 10.
May study Invisibility to 10.
May study Minor party heal to 10.
Level 2

Available: May train Cast generic to 25.
May train Camouflage to 17.

May study Create food to 17.
May study Invisibility to 22.
May study Minor party heal to 32.
Level 3

Available: May train Cast generic to 30.
May train Camouflage to 25.

May study Create food to 25.
May study Invisibility to 35.
May study Minor party heal to 55.
Level 4

Available: May train Cast generic to 35.
May train Camouflage to 32.

May study Create food to 32.
May study Invisibility to 47.
May study Minor party heal to 77.
Level 5

Available: May train Cast generic to 40.
May train Camouflage to 40.

May study Create food to 40.
May study Invisibility to 60.
May study Minor party heal to 100.