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Vampire race guild | Guilds & Backgrounds

The Princes of Darkness (vampire)
Command: princes_of_darkness
Creators: Kato
Max Level: 5

The Princes of Darkness are the powerful masters of the night, they stalk this realm gathering wisdom and power for their brethren, the knowledge of which they share via a sacred book kept in safe keeping at the shrine of the Prince of Darkness.

Level 1

Available: Receive bonuses as you advance
May train Conceal spellcasting to 10.
May train Sneak to 10.

May study Darkness to 30.
May study Energy drain to 10.
May study Invisibility to 10.
Level 2

Available: May train Conceal spellcasting to 15.
May train Sneak to 15.

May study Darkness to 37.
May study Energy drain to 22.
May study Invisibility to 22.
Level 3

Available: May train Conceal spellcasting to 20.
May train Sneak to 20.

May study Darkness to 45.
May study Energy drain to 35.
May study Invisibility to 35.
May study Vampiric charm to 10.
Level 4

Available: May train Conceal spellcasting to 25.
May train Sneak to 25.

May study Darkness to 52.
May study Energy drain to 47.
May study Invisibility to 47.
May study Vampiric charm to 35.
Level 5

Available: May train Conceal spellcasting to 30.
May train Sneak to 30.

May study Darkness to 60.
May study Energy drain to 60.
May study Invisibility to 60.
May study Vampiric charm to 60.