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Dwarf race guild | Guilds & Backgrounds

The Crafters of Rock (dwarf)
Command: rock_crafter
Creators: Hablo
Max Level: 5

There comes a time in every young dwarves life when he is sent to dwell away from his home clan to the community of the Crafters of Rock. Here the young striplings learn the ancient ways of the stone and steel, just like their fathers when they were young. The young dwarves work hard as apprentices in the forges and mineshafts, guided and commanded by their elders before they are accepted as full-grown members of their clans and communities.

Level 1

Available: Receive bonuses as you advance
May train Mining to 10.
May train Compare to 10.
May train Axes to 10.
May train Mountaineering to 20.
Level 2

Available: May train Mining to 15.
May train Compare to 17.
May train Axes to 17.
May train Mountaineering to 40.
Level 3

Available: May train Mining to 20.
May train Compare to 25.
May train Axes to 25.
May train Blacksmithing to 10.
May train Mountaineering to 60.
Level 4

Available: May train Mining to 25.
May train Compare to 32.
May train Axes to 32.
May train Appraise to 10.
May train Alcohol tolerance to 35.
May train Blacksmithing to 25.
May train Mountaineering to 80.
Level 5

Available: May train Mining to 30.
May train Compare to 40.
May train Axes to 40.
May train Appraise to 50.
May train Alcohol tolerance to 45.
May train Blacksmithing to 40.
May train Mountaineering to 100.