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Lich race guild | Guilds & Backgrounds

The Shadows of Maosoleum (lich)
Command: shadow
Creators: Dragoness
Max Level: 5

The liches have their own secret school of magic. This school is called the Shadow of Maosoleum. In this school, the newly reborn liches learn dark secrets which they use to rule the city of Maosoleum.

Level 1

Available: Receive bonuses as you advance
May train Cast generic to 5.
May train Cast cold to 5.

May study Preserve corpse to 30.
May study Neutralize field to 30.
May study Chill touch to 30.
May study Flame arrow to 30.
Level 2

Available: May train Cast generic to 13.
May train Cast cold to 13.

May study Preserve corpse to 45.
May study Neutralize field to 30.
May study Chill touch to 35.
May study Flame arrow to 45.
Level 3

Available: May train Cast generic to 22.
May train Cast cold to 22.

May study Energy drain to 30.
May study Preserve corpse to 60.
May study Neutralize field to 30.
May study Chill touch to 40.
May study Flame arrow to 60.
Level 4

Available: May train Cast generic to 31.
May train Cast cold to 31.

May study Energy drain to 45.
May study Preserve corpse to 75.
May study Neutralize field to 30.
May study Chill touch to 45.
May study Flame arrow to 75.
Level 5

Available: May train Cast generic to 40.
May train Cast cold to 40.

May study Energy drain to 60.
May study Preserve corpse to 90.
May study Neutralize field to 30.
May study Chill touch to 50.
May study Flame arrow to 90.