The Order of the Shamrock (leprechaun)
Command: shamrock
Max Level: 5
The Order of the Shamrock is a secret society of leprechauns. Leprechauns are
diminutive folk who are found in fair, green lands and enjoy frolicking,
working magic, and causing harmless mischief. Leprechauns love pranks and
practical jokes. They will plague a party with all sorts of misfortune,
stopping short of outright harm. You can often hear the tapping of their
hammers as they work away at making shoes for other fairies. There are many a
leprechaun tale around, and legend says that all leprechauns possess a hidden
pot of gold, of which only they know the location. The Order of the Shamrock
is a social society mostly. Where old and young leprechauns meet to smoke some
tobacoo, drink wine and talk about their recent jokes.