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Shadow race guild | Guilds & Backgrounds

Soldiers of Oblivion (shadow)
Command: soldiers_of_oblivion
Creators: Zoso
Max Level: 5

The Soldiers of Oblivion are the powerful shadows that have formed a group in order to survive better in the physical realm. These Soldiers are very determined and powerful, gaining more understanding of the physical realm every day. The aim for racial supremacy is one of the goals of the guild, as they seek to gain power over the physical like they already have the power over the shadow essence.

Level 1

Available: Receive bonuses as you advance
May train Enhanced peer to 10.
May train Essence eye to 10.

May study Greater darkness to 80.
May study Darkness to 80.
May study Enhance vision to 10.
Level 2

Available: May train Enhanced peer to 17.
May train Essence eye to 17.

May study Greater darkness to 85.
May study Darkness to 85.
May study Mana drain to 10.
May study Enhance vision to 15.
Level 3

Available: May train Enhanced peer to 25.
May train Essence eye to 25.
May train Conceal spellcasting to 10.

May study Greater darkness to 90.
May study Darkness to 90.
May study Mana drain to 16.
May study Enhance vision to 20.
Level 4

Available: May train Mana control to 10.
May train Enhanced peer to 32.
May train Essence eye to 32.
May train Conceal spellcasting to 20.

May study Greater darkness to 95.
May study Darkness to 95.
May study Mana drain to 23.
May study Enhance vision to 25.
Level 5

Available: May train Mana control to 40.
May train Enhanced peer to 40.
May train Essence eye to 40.
May train Conceal spellcasting to 30.

May study Greater darkness to 100.
May study Darkness to 100.
May study Mana drain to 30.
May study Enhance vision to 30.