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The Wisps of the Forest (sprite)
Command: the_wisps
Creators: Sirdar
Max Level: 5

Sprites have been in the world as compatriots with the elves, created by gods to entertain the eternal elves, who felt lonely. Sprites share all with the elves, the mindset, appearance, culture and values, but not size. Sprites were created to be small, not meant to burden to this world. The sprites, now, revere their 'mother', who was the first female sprite created by gods to roam the world.

Level 1

Available: Receive bonuses as you advance
May train Cast generic to 20.
May train Cast teleportation to 10.

May study Wizard eye to 10.
May study Teleport with error to 10.
May study Quicksilver to 5.
Level 2

Available: May train Cast generic to 27.
May train Cast teleportation to 15.

May study Wizard eye to 20.
May study Teleport with error to 15.
May study Quicksilver to 10.
Level 3

Available: May train Cast generic to 35.
May train Cast teleportation to 20.

May study Wizard eye to 30.
May study Teleport with error to 20.
May study Quicksilver to 15.
Level 4

Available: May train Cast generic to 42.
May train Cast teleportation to 25.

May study Wizard eye to 40.
May study Teleport with error to 25.
May study Quicksilver to 20.
Level 5

Available: May train Cast generic to 50.
May train Cast teleportation to 30.
May train Enchanted wings to 5.

May study Wizard eye to 50.
May study Teleport with error to 30.
May study Quicksilver to 25.