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Kobold race guild | Guilds & Backgrounds

The Kobold Tunnel Rats (kobold)
Command: tunnelrat
Creators: Shinarae
Max Level: 5

Most kobolds are abused by the larger races, bullied into dangerous and risky jobs nobody wants to do. Orcs use them to test caves and mine tunnels for integrity, letting the lighter kobolds test the floors for hidden pits or deadfalls. Trolls employ them as scouts of sorts, hurling them into villages or castles and following the screams of the kobold when the inhabitants slaughter it. As such, over the generations, kobolds have learned a few tricks, letting them stay alive longer in such conditions and maybe picking up a stray bauble or two before their captors notice it is missing.

Level 1

Available: Receive bonuses as you advance
Level 2

Available: May train Enhanced peer to 25.
May train Alertness to 20.
May train Detect trap to 10.
May train Sleight to 15.
Level 3

Available: May train Enhanced peer to 35.
May train Alertness to 30.
May train Detect trap to 25.
May train Sleight to 25.
May train Short blades to 10.
Level 4

Available: May train Sleight to 35.
May train Short blades to 20.
May train Dodge to 10.
Level 5

Available: May train Short blades to 30.
May train Sleight to 45.
May train Dodge to 20.