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Zombie race guild | Guilds & Backgrounds

The Children of the Zombies (zombie)
Command: zombie_children
Creators: Sirdar
Max Level: 5

In the past history, creatures from the other dimension have been visiting us as fathers and protectors. These creatures have seen the birth of a first human, and in the early years of evolution, the people called the Navigators gave them a name - Zombies, because these creatures were feared and avoided. But in time, their intentions became clear to the people - they were here to help us, on the contrary to the common beliefs. The zombies, after seeing the arrival of the gods, saw that the races were safe from the unseen enemy, retreated back to their dimension. Some zombies, however, decided not to return to their homeworld because they had grown too close to the fascinating world of humans. Finally, you have found home. Or have you?

Level 1

Available: Receive bonuses as you advance
May train Cast teleportation to 5.
May train Essence eye to 10.

May study Dimension door to 5.
May study Teleport with error to 5.
Level 2

Available: May train Cast teleportation to 11.
May train Essence eye to 22.

May study Dimension door to 8.
May study Teleport with error to 13.
Level 3

Available: May train Cast teleportation to 17.
May train Essence eye to 35.

May study Dimension door to 12.
May study Teleport with error to 22.
Level 4

Available: May train Cast teleportation to 23.
May train Essence eye to 47.

May study Dimension door to 16.
May study Teleport with error to 31.
Level 5

Available: May train Cast teleportation to 30.
May train Essence eye to 60.

May study Dimension door to 20.
May study Teleport with error to 40.