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Skill: Deflect blows

Skill duration:
Type of skill:
Battle skill
Party rows:
Affecting stats:
It is automatically in use.

Before more complex maneuvers may be learned, it is important to know the basics. In the case of legionaries, it usually means long days of shield combat training or simply known as 'manner of lordliness'. When the manner of lordliness is mastered, more difficult maneuvers may be performed. One of those more challenging maneuvers is deflecting blows. Legionaries of Kharim use shield both to attack and to defend. Shields are often balanced so that they are designed for deflecting away weapons. Skilled deflection would leave the attacker open for a quick counter-attack and that is what legionaries of Kharim try to take advantage of. Deflect blows is a derivative technique of parry which means that proficiency in parry will also help when deflecting blows.

Deflect blows is available in the following guild: